Hacking Your Way to Better Health

Published in
5 min readJul 24, 2017

A mere 50 years ago, Google wasn’t a word you’d find in the dictionary, Tweets were for birds and apps came before a meal. Technology has changed our world so much in such a short time, it’s hard to even imagine life before the Internet existed.

Today, laptops, tablets and other smart devices keep us constantly connected to information and the world around us. These modern conveniences come with a lifestyle that is fast-paced and often wreaks havoc on our environment, health and wellbeing. Ironically, the future of technology is also helping find ways to reverse the effects of our demanding lifestyles, making it easier to keep our bodies healthy and happy.

Thanks to innovation, environmental stressors no longer have to negatively impact our health. Recent advancements in technology are now making it easy to avoid exposure to the silent dangers than lurk in your everyday surroundings. Portable air purifiers, like Clairy, make it easy to keep tabs on — and get rid of — pollutants in the air you breathe. Other smart devices like WaterBot draw attention to the importance of water quality and can measure it in real-time.

Equally useful are gadgets that provide a way to combat increased exposure to UV radiation, making it safer to enjoy the great outdoors. Using advanced technology, Sunscreenr shows you where your skin is covered by sunscreen and where it’s not. No more wondering if you’ve missed a spot or if it’s time to reapply — just look through Sunscreenr to see if your skin is adequately covered. With over one million cases of skin cancer reported in the United States each year, technology like this can not only give you peace of mind, it could save your life.

Technology is also making it easier to adopt healthier lifestyles, despite long hours and busy schedules. It’s no secret that achieving a work-life balance in today’s ever-connected world is difficult. Thankfully, new products are being designed to make it convenient to tend to your body’s needs no matter your schedule. Take the BlazePod for instance. This revolutionary flash reflex exercise system makes it possible for anyone to get in a good workout, from anywhere.

When your workout is finished, rehydrate with Cirkul. Not your average water bottle, it provides a personal and convenient way to stay hydrated. The best part? It can eliminate unhealthy, sugary drinks from your diet by providing a clean way to flavor your water at home or on the go.

From monitoring medication to eliminating the need for pills altogether, caring for our bodies is safer than ever before. Have trouble remembering when to take medication, vitamins or other supplements? Devices like EllieGrid, are designed to remind you what to take and when — it can even help you monitor a loved one’s medications. Thanks to technology, you’ll never have to worry about missing a dose, or taking too many pills, again.

Maybe you’re looking to eliminate the need for medication altogether. As technology advances, we’re seeing more options for drug-free pain management like Livia. This tiny, high-tech wearable uses a transmitting pulse to to provide instant pain relief for menstrual cramps without medication. If you’re a person who suffers from chronic aches and pains, modern devices like these are promising developments when it comes to managing your discomfort.

Innovation is connecting us in ways that are actually good for our health. Instead of bombarding you with stressful news and emails, what if your smart devices could connect you to a healthier lifestyle? Now they can. On Demand platforms like Conscious Cleanse are being developed to provide users with the social support they need to make positive health changes.

Wouldn’t it be even better if there was a way to turn any smart device into your very own virtual wellness coach? Creating personalized health plans in real-time, mobile platforms like Meet Shae can do just that. In fact, modern technology can be so in tune with your body, it takes all the guesswork out of obtaining, and maintaining, a healthier lifestyle.

Looking for ways to help you sleep better? There’s high-tech options for that, too!

Personal electronics can disturb your sleep, but did you know there are devices that can actually help you get a good night’s rest? Changing up your linens can help, especially if you put EverSleep on your bed first. This sleep tracker helps you understand what’s disrupting your sleep and how to fix it.

If you can’t remember the last time you had a dream or woke up refreshed, you might want to look into the iBand. Using brain-sensing technology and the power of music, innovative gadgets like these can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep. Before you know it, you’ll be drifting off to dreamland and waking up on the right side of the bed — naturally.

From laptops to smartphones, there’s no denying that innovation has played a big role in making our lives both hectic and exhausting. Ironically enough, recent advancements in technology are also helping combat the effects of our modern lifestyle and environment. Curious to see what other products can help you live smarter? Check out Indiegogo’s collection of tech products that will help you hack your way to better health today.




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