RightMessage Review

Fabian Dominguez Garcia
Published in
6 min readOct 16, 2019

More Conversions Through Personalization!

RightMessage is a SaaS that allows companies to personalize the content of their website to increase conversions. Whether you have an Online Shop and you’re looking to close customers right there and then, or you’re simply trying to get more Newsletter subscribers, RightMessage delivers the right message to the right person at the right time.

This CTA probably works for a certain audience.

RightMessage was launched in early 2018 and was founded by Brennan Dunn and Shai Schechter. Previously, they had both been working as Consultants in the personalization space. Brennan had also published a successful course on personalization and automation and viewed that success as a Proof of Concept for a Software that helps Marketers and Entrepreneurs personalize their sales page.

The Beginning

Before Brennan and Shai had such well known customers and advocates as Pat Flynn from Smart Passive Income, RightMessage was created as an Upsell to Brennans customers of Mastering Drip, the personalization course.

Before even launching the product, they were contacted by Ankur Nagpal, founder and CEO of Teachable. He wanted their help with with personalizing Teachable’s website to increase their signups.

Early Struggles

Even with Teachable as a customer and having launched to the limited circle of Mastering Drip’s members, RightMessage was still just a side project and Brennan and Shai were working on it only part-time, next to their freelance and consultant gigs.

With about $6,000 in the bank, they suddenly got an email from Ankur:

💵 Look at that subject line. That’s got to be high-converting! 💲

Long story short, the answer was Yes.

Even though Brennan and Shai weren’t the biggest fans of Venture Capital and have always bootstrapped their projects, they weren’t growing quickly enough while it was a side hustle, so they decided to take Ankur up on his offer.

They set up a SAFE (Simple Agreement for Future Equity), which means, they only have to give up the equity they sold to investors in case of a liquidation event (like an acquisition of the company), and raised $500,000.

Brennan and Shai used the raised capital to hire their first three employees, a marketer, a developer and a customer support specialist.

They’ve been working on the product ever since and are now generating more than $25,000 in MRR (Monthly Recurring Revenue) and tons of positive reviews and testimonials.

The Features

Before we get into the features, you might be wondering how hard RightMessage is to implement into your website. Is it for me? After all, a tool that changes the content on your website without any flickering and mistakenly displaying the wrong message, must be a huge technical challenge!

Well, they managed to make it rather easy for anybody who has a website.

Easy Integrations

If you use any of the tools and platforms in the list above, you’re set. Just follow the instructions in their Learning Center and you’ll have RightMessage up and running in no time. If not, you or your developer can simply insert the code snippet RightMessage provides you with, into the header of your website.

Forms, Forms and more Forms

Like any other form builder, RightMessage allows you to create popups, slide ups, sticky bars, and inline forms. You can have them show on specific pages, and you can design them to perfectly match your website.

However, at RightMessage, that’s just the beginning!

Using their visual CTA Funnel builder, you can visually map out exactly who should get offered what — and when.

This is what reeaally differentiates them from other opt-in form builders like say, ContactForm 7 for WordPress, TypeForm or HubSpot.

They also allow you to create surveys, which are used to collect data, which in turn is used to segment users and personalize the Call-To-Action. But more about that feature further down.

Content Personalization

Based on data you already have in your email marketing tool or new data that you collect, i.e. through the surveys created with RightMessage, you can customize what type of user should receive what content. That content can be anything: text, images, videos, you name it.

This is useful, because not every user will have the same reaction to the same message. A user might have already signed up for your newsletter and now he’s getting popups that ask him to join the newsletter. That’s just going to annoy him and maybe even make him leave your website.

Or you can go further and show messages based on the user’s actions and behavior, for example what content they are reading or what their answers to your survey were.

Let’s say, you offer an e-book about Digital Marketing as an incentive to join your newsletter. If you survey your website visitors first and ask them something like “What part of Digital Marketing are you most interested in?” and they answer “Social Media”, you can show them a personalized Call-To-Action that says something like “Download the best tips for Social Media Marketers!”. If you do this, your Conversion Rate will skyrocket, because the user feels directly spoken to and like he’s about to get something he really needs.

According to their website, just a single question asked to visitors, followed by a personalized pitch based on their answer, results in 20–70% more opt-ins than jumping straight to the pitch.

The Pricing

RightMessage offers two different products with prices depending on the amount of traffic your website gets.

Unfortunately, they don’t have a free plan but they do offer a 14-day free trial on all plans and they are generally affordable, especially considering the value they provide. Another great thing is, that each account works on an unlimited amount of websites, therefore you only need to pay once for all your different projects.

CTA Plan

The cheaper CTA Plan, lets you create the surveys and personalize the Call-To-Action in the signup form at the end of those surveys. It also offers Real-Time-Reporting, gives you access to the Visual Funnel Creator and lets you sync to your email marketing database. It includes a “Powered by RightMessage” branding, which is a bit unusual for a paid plan, but it’s absolutely worth it.

Personalize Plan

In addition to everything from the CTA Plan, the Personalize Plan allows you to personalize any content on your website including Headlines, Images and anything else! You can A/B test personalized content vs. default content, include content from your email marketing database on your site and it gives you a dedicated account manager. It also removes the “Powered by” branding and gives you a personal 1-on-1 onboarding option.

All that for just $100 more per month, on all the different price levels!


RightMessage has a lot of great features for any type of Conversion Optimization. Whether you want more Newsletter subscribers or you want to personalize the check-out page of your eCommerce store, RightMessage is the right tool for you. With their 14-Day Free Trial you have nothing to loose and only a Conversion Rate to increase!

They said it best themselves:

“Your website’s primary job is to sell. And, if your site was an actual salesperson, they wouldn’t say the same thing to everyone. They would take into account who this person is, how they’re behaving, and the relationship they have with the prospect when pitching your product or service.”

Check them out:

RightMessage Website

RightMessage Twitter

RightMessage LinkedIn

Disclaimer: Some URLs in this post are affiliate links, they don’t present any additional cost to you, should you choose to sign up through them.

