Userships Review

Fabian Dominguez Garcia
Published in
4 min readOct 8, 2019

Session Recording, User Insights, Event Tracking and more!

Userships is an alternative to tools like Hotjar and FullStory, but with one big difference: The price!

Like many great side projects, Userships was built out of necessity and for internal use, by a team who is actually working on a totally different SaaS solution.

The team around serial entrepreneurs Sameera Vanekar and Ralph Vaz (snippect, AceBot, CollateBox) found the existing Session Replay solutions to be either way too pricey or only sampling User Sessions, instead of recording every single one of them.

After seeing how well it worked and how useful it was, they decided to turn it into a SaaS whit a much smaller price tag and better User Experience than their big competitors.

The beta version of Userships was launched on ProductHunt in July 2019 and quickly hit Product of the Day!

The Features

Session Recordings

Get the complete picture of your users experience with every single user based session recording. You can view errors, dead clicks, UTM tags, location and much more.

  • Capture Everything
  • Block or Unblock IP’s and URL’s
  • Advanced Recording Controls

View User Based Activity

Get insights into all sessions for a specific user. View all events, locations and devices used to access your site. Identify sessions and click to view any recording.

  • View All Sessions for a User
  • Quick Insights into Session-wise Events
  • Insights to Location and Device across Sessions

User Behavior Patterns

Understand where your users are coming from (source), which pages they visited and the duration of each return visit by a single user. Giving you control over your user data and everything you need to understand your customer better.

  • Find Where Your Best Customers Come From
  • Top Pages Visited by Users
  • See Duration of each Visit

Identify and Solve Customer Struggles

Search and filter your user sessions using Natural Language Search. Type in exactly what you are looking for and get to understanding your customers struggles faster.

  • Easy to Build Segments
  • Analyze Behavior
  • Insights and More

Collaboration Across Teams

With Userships you get everything your team needs to collaborate and analyze User Behavior, in order to help your company grow.

Find and fix errors encountered by your users quickly.

View user behavior and improve conversions.

Assist users better and close tickets faster by knowing what they did.

The Pricing

As mentioned before, the big differentiator between Userships and something like Hotjar is the price. So, what is it?

FREE! For up to 20.000 Sessions!

Userships has much simpler pricing than their competitors who base it on things like page views or users. You’ll get 20.000 sessions per month, unlimited seats (users from your company), 1 month of data retention and access to all the features for free.

All these powerful features are also available to Enterprises who need more than 20.000 sessions per month and Userships promises to keep the pricing lower than the competition.


If you’re like me, and love watching people scroll around on your website like it’s a TV show, you have to try Userships!

Check them out:

Userships Website

Userships Twitter

Userships ProductHunt

Userships LinkedIn

