Dondon Hounwn / Truku people / Taiwan b.1985

Dondon Hounwn comes from the Tongmen tribe of Truku. Hounwn is an indigenous artist with both cultural heritage and avant-garde innovation. In the tribe, he is an inheritor of Jew’s harp, ballads, and traditional rituals. However, in terms of creation, he is also a transboundary art creator in performing art, video art, and environment theatre. His creations have crossed boundaries of forms, defied gender differences and are in search for beauty. Though his creative form is contemporary and avant-garde, the elements and spirit utilized by Dondon Hounwn are all related to his traditional culture.

As an inheritor of ceremonies, he boldly implanted concepts of traditional rituals, legends, and so on into various creations. On the other hand, he established Elug Art Corner, hoping to spread seeds of cultural heritage by working with young people from different ethnic groups. For him, every step in the process leads to his ancestors. What we see is Dondon Houwn marching on with fearless steps.

