Approving and rejecting applicants

Bálint Fekete
Indivizo Help Center
2 min readJun 27, 2018

At each hiring step you can decide to approve or reject your applicants.

Approve — the applicant gets into the next round of the hiring (for example they get invited to a video interview — in case that’s the next step).

Reject — the applicant cannot continue the process.

Who should stay? And who should go? The choice is yours.

Approving or rejecting an applicant

Kattints a pipára egy jelentkező elfogadásához, vagy az x-re az elutasításához!

Click the tick to approve and the X to reject someone.

1. From the list of applicants
When you drag your cursor on an applicant’s name, the Approve and Reject buttons appear on the right side — just choose and click on the right symbol.

2. On their personal page
In case you happen to be on someone’s personal page (for example because you’re in the middle of watching their recorded answers), the Approve and Reject symbols can be found in the right upper corner.

Sending notifications

Once you clicked the Approve or the Reject icon, the message to be sent to the applicant appears. You have the possibility to personalise its copy, or in case it is a video interview invitation, you can also change the deadline. When you’re completely satisfied with everything, just click on the Invite or the Reject button and you’re done.

Approval and rejection in bulk

On the page where you find the list of all applicants you can select more of them at once for approval or rejection. To do this, just click on the little squares next to their profile pictures. The action icons will appear in the right upper corner, you only have to decide whether you would like to continue the process with them or not.

Click on the profile picture to select an applicant.

You can even make use of the filters, and by clicking Select all, you can be sure you’ve found the fastest way to approve or reject your applicants in bulk.




Bálint Fekete
Indivizo Help Center

Designer & Co-Owner at Indivizo, a smart video interview and recruitment app: