Create new hiring II.

Hiring team

Bálint Fekete
Indivizo Help Center
2 min readJun 27, 2018


By clicking on this tab you will see everyone you added to the system in the main Settings. The hiring itself is only visible for the members of the related team, which you can edit here.

The creator of the hiring gets added to the team automatically. Admins can see everything but do not get added to the hiring team automatically, that is to say they don’t receive notifications and are not visible among the voters, except in case you separately add them here as well.

This is also the place where you can provide access to the others on different levels of your choice. By clicking on the picture, with the tick you can add to, while with the X you can remove a person from the hiring team.

Roles and rights of the team members

In case you cannot find someone on the list, first you have to add them as users to the system. For this click on the Add new user button or the Settings icon on the left.

You can see the access level of the added members on the left. You cannot change it for admins. For everyone else the default access level is the one that got chosen in the basic settings, but it can be changed here regarding the specific hirings.

Access levels

Admin — Admins can see all hirings but do not automatically become members of the hiring teams. In case they do get added (or add themselves) to one, they can do anything they would like: edit the hiring, evaluate, vote, approve or reject applicants.

Decision Maker — Decision Makers have full authority to edit a hiring, evaluate, vote, approve or reject applicants.

Evaluator — Evaluators have the right to view and evaluate applicants. They are also allowed to vote on them but cannot make decisions on who should be sent to the next round or dismissed from the hiring.

PRO TIP: if you would like a colleague to see a hiring, make sure you add them to the hiring team as well, even if they already exist in the system.




Bálint Fekete
Indivizo Help Center

Designer & Co-Owner at Indivizo, a smart video interview and recruitment app: