System settings

Bálint Fekete
Indivizo Help Center
4 min readJul 25, 2018

Welcome to the world of the Indivizo software! Let us guide you through the working of the system, and introduce its functions and views at each hiring step.

The opening screen

List of hirings

Here you can find the list of your hiring and some basic info on:

  • aktív, lezwhether the hiring is active, closed or archive?
  • what steps the hiring consists of? The amount of numbers next to each other shows how many different steps it has, but those ones, where the applicants get automatically sent to the next round do not appear here.
  • how many applicants you have at each of the hiring steps? The number in the little blue dot also tells you how many of them are still waiting for their materials to be checked.

By clicking on those three dots in the right upper corner of the hirings, you can edit, copy, archive or delete the chosen one.


When clicking the filter icon in the right upper corner, the criteria for searching or sorting your hirings appear. You can do these:

  • by name,
  • by time or in ABC order,
  • by tags,
  • and by language.

This is also the place for taking a look at your archived hirings by ticking the Show archives box.

Create new hiring

You can create a new hiring by clicking on the + button in the header or the green + button under the list of hirings.

Help Center

You can find all the guiding and supporting materials that will help you with using Indivizo’s system at the bottom of the page.

These are the functions you can find in the left menu bar


This take you back to the opening screen.


The list of your hirings.

Talent Pool

All the candidates that have ever applied to the system (and did not get deleted) can be found here. When you click on one of them, you will be able to take a look at their profile, and from the menu appearing on the right upper side you can select which hiring’s view you’d like to see — in case the applicant is involved in more at once.

Filtering can come handy here as well, as it lets you search applicants by name, tags or based on the hiring.


This is where you can assign roles to the users based on three different access levels:

  1. Admin: administrators have access to absolutely everything, can see every hiring and have the right to make decisions in all of them — but they only become an active member of any hiring team if they get added to it separately.
  2. Decision Maker: making decisions (approve or reject applicants) is their basic right, that can be modified individually in each hiring.
  3. Evaluator: evaluating applicants is their basic right, that can be modified individually in each hiring.

Click on the + button to add a new user to the system, then provide their name and email address and choose their access level.

Hiring template:
You can create hiring templates and set the features you would like you use over and over again (for example hiring steps, video interview questions, messages, etc.).

Shareable links of applicants:
This provides you with the possibility to share the materials of your applicants even with people who have no access to the Indivizo system (external consultants, colleagues outside of the HR department, etc.).

Here you can set up the integrations of external tools such as the Firstbird referral program, by providing API-keys.

Indivizo’s system can work seamlessly with the Firstbird referral program. To complete this integration, first you’ll have to register yourself to Firstbird. Then you will be able to generate the API keys there, which you will have to feed into Indivizo’s system under the Settings menu point. Once you’re done, you can select the relevant position in the Sourcing step, so that those people who got referred will also get included into the hiring.


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The settings of your profile will appear when you click the profile picture on the lower left:

Make sure to provide a profile pic so that your colleagues can identify you easier during the voting. Also, in case you’re the official contact person in charge of the virtual interview, this is the photo that will appear on the applicants’ welcome screen and during the interview, establishing a more personal connection.

  • This is also where you can change your name, email and password.
  • By choosing the language you can change it for the whole system.
  • In case you have Indivizo access within more companies, this is the place where you can select which one to log into.
  • And in the right upper corner you can log out from the system. See you!



Bálint Fekete
Indivizo Help Center

Designer & Co-Owner at Indivizo, a smart video interview and recruitment app: