AGRON : Sustainable way of farming

Indo Data Week
Published in
2 min readNov 27, 2020

This prototype has been conceptualized by Team Genic as part of Hackathon for Good India being organized as part of Indo Data Week for Sustainable development.

Team members are Akhil B, Joel Sunny Varghese ,Milan Varghese and Roshni

Wildlife Induced Damage to crops and Livestock Loss and how they affect Human attitudes towards Wildlife. Wild animals starts to destroying food crops, causes farmers a huge loss. To avoiding this loss they are forced to kill or harm those animals. This is a unsustainable way of harming wild animals which causes biodiversity.

The Challenge

The Challenge is to overcome unsustainable way of using chemical methods to protect food crops from wild animal attacks .It causes the biodiversity as the attacking methods used by farmers to prevent animals are not proper and it affects very badly to the animals

The Design Process

We are already collected images of the animals which harms farms. Our machine learning model will detect those animals and scream them using ultra sonic sounds

Our machine learning model is deploying in the raspberry pip developing board.

Ultrasonic sound can be produced by transducers which operate either by the piezoelectric effect or the magneto strictive effect. The magneto strictive transducers can be used to produce high intensity ultrasonic sound in the 20–40 kHz range. The ultrasonic transducer is connected with raspberry pi

When our model detect any animal, it will alert our transducer to produce ultrasonic sound

Raspberry pi along with the transducer is mounded in a drone with camera. This drone will capture the images and send to raspberry pi.

Overall Analysis of Crop Fields

Agriculture is one industry where the importance of big data isn’t emphasized enough. Using of drone technology, farmers can attain incredibly useful information that would help them maximize their operations. Depending on the imaging method, drones can help farmers do the following: assess crop health, spot fungal infections on trees, locate growth bottlenecks, locate poor irrigation, and gather general information on environmental conditions. With such a diverse range of actionable information available at a farmer’s disposal, they can make informed decisions based on concrete data. Rather than having to make guesses on what the landscape will look like in the future, farmers would instead be able to make predictions.

How Drone Technology can be Leveraged in Farming lands

With population growth growing at an increasing rate, maximized productivity and optimization of land space in agriculture is becoming especially important. There is where comes the use of drone technology for image capturing of animals, and also ultrasonic transducers are fixed in the drone to prevent wild animals by scream them using ultra sonic sounds.

