Climate Resilient Food Security

vinitha krishnan
Indo Data Week
Published in
2 min readDec 20, 2020

As part of Indo Data Week, I was given the opportunity to work on what to do for the betterment of nature with data. Yes, Data.

With Divergent Convergent Model, I was able to decide on the feasible outcome from my end for the Hackathon event. I am a beginner in Data Science and am not experienced with algorithms. So, I chose to do what I know the best - Analysis.

I began with the data in the Telengana Data Portal and had 3 steps in mind:

(1) Making people acknowledge that there is a problem i.e Climate change

(2) Identifying a high impact solution with the available open data.

(3) Outcome for all of the stakeholders. Yes.

I chose ‘Sacred Grove’ which is a worshiped place for most tribes. It is a piece of land that has local flora & fauna and is protected by the local community. This being available in only a few districts in Telangana. I chose data to point out what’s been missing.

Action Plan:

(1) Showing “ Maximum & Minimum Temperature’ for the past 3 years & that in fact there is Global Warming. No data has been processed. No predictions made. just historical data stating the truth.

(2) “What you are seeking is seeking for you”. This happened in the morning when an article on Better India got released stating “ Telengana Engineer, a woman, growing organic 700 plants in 600 sq. ft terrace”. What more could have been an inspiration. The Sacred Grove need not be bigger in size but a mini / micro-sized Sacred Grove in every Mandal would be of so much help to the local community.

(3) The local community being accessible to the mini/ micro sacred grove & the government can worry less on safeguarding the ecosystem while the Industry can make most of it by just buying the surplus if any in the local Sacred Grove. Or Drip Irrigation could be commercialized for Individual purposes by the Industry.

There, all stakeholders happy. One step at a time. One Initiative. One Will will make it happen.

