One day at the office of the future –
Indoorway Hive in practise

Nowadays, smart buildings are associated with work-friendly spaces which foster work performance and high job satisfaction. Such smart offices, malls or industrial sites, etc. cannot exist without the Internet of Things supported by advanced technologies. As for office space management, the most promising technology is indoor positioning, which might be based on infrared, ultrasounds, Bluetooth, RFID, WLAN or one of the latest high tech development — ultra-wide band (UWB) technology which we named Indoorway Hive.

Indoorway Hive as the answer for users’ needs

A year of work spent on developing our UWB-based hardware and talking with our clients and users has led us to the day when we can finally announce to broader audience the new generation of our IPIN technology — Indoorway Hive. The system comprises of two devices: pocket-sized Tags equipped with precise up to 30 cm localization engines, and Indoorway Hubs that work as transmitters. Indoorway Hive has many features which are discussed in this blogpost. In this piece we’d like to take a closer look at an example business case, which shows how Indoorway Hive works in practise.

Indoorway Hive set consists of Hubs (on the wall) and Tags

How can Indoorway Hive improve a typical day in the office?

Indoorway Hive can boost employee experience from the very first step, literally. The moment a staff member enters the office, Indoorway Hive comes in handy. How? Indoorway Tag can serve as a proximity key to the building. However, not only can it be used as an access card, but also as a helpful tool in everyday work. Imagine the moment you come into the office, and the TV standing nearby your desk turns on immediately to show you some latest updates and tasks for that day. While your PC is switching on, you can take your time to drink a cup of coffee which has been prepared automatically by a coffee machine, as soon as the system detected you’re already in the office.

Indoorway Tag used as a proximity access card

What’s more, such office is more guest-friendly and safe. If a visitor arrives early for a meeting and there’s no one to pick him up at the entrance, with Indoorway Tag he can safely go round the building on his own. The system won’t let him enter restricted areas and it will inform the hosts of the meeting that this person is already waiting. Hosts can even check the exact whereabouts of the visitor on the digital map, and be notified when he gets close to the conference room. That reduces the chances of being late to greet him, right?

Besides, introducing Indoorway Hive is beneficial for office managers. They can browse real-time data, heat maps and other statistics in the Indoorway Analytical Dashboard. This might give them insights into usage rate of certain zones, rooms and desks, and in consequence, help them manage utilization of spaces in even more effective way. Such data can, for example, help with eliminating unused bookings of conference rooms. Additionally, indoor positioning within the office can make it more eco-friendly. No matter what the weather outside is, the office smarten up with Indoorway Hive adjusts the heating and lighting to the number of coworkers that are in the building that day. This means being fair with our planet and cutting costs at the same time.

Smart office is just the beginning

Of course, Indoorway Hive can be used in many ways:

  • to optimize production processes,
  • to provide insights about shopping habits,
  • to boost visitors’ experience in spaces like museum
  • or launch any other smart experience.

The office is just one of example among limitless opportunities. Our hardware-based solution gives you new ways to gather real-time data from physical world and even more precise analysis of indoor traffic. Everything depends on users’ needs so if you wonder how ultra-wide band technology can digitize your space, feel free to drop us a line at

