The technology behind the most precise indoor positioning solution

At Indoorway we put a lot of emphasis on indoor traffic analysis. Our clients use data presented in Indoorway Analytical Dashboard to provide better indoor experience for their visitors and boost business results. Our first technology, Indoorway Open, is based on Bluetooth protocol with 1–2 meter accuracy. However, the growing expectations of our clients towards smart building technologies convinced us to go one step further and look for more precise technology that will ensure even better analysis. That is the main reason we decided to introduce Indoorway Hive with accuracy up to 20–30 cm.

In this article I will introduce you to Indoorway Hive from a technical point of view and explain why it is the most precise indoor positioning technology on the market. You will also learn more about another important aspect in the IoT world — security.

How does Indoorway Hive work?

Indoorway Hive is based on ultra-wide band (UWB) technology. UWB is a communication technique using fast pulse transmission. The introduction of this technology was permitted by Federal Communications Commission that expanded 3.5 Ghz up to 10 Ghz band. That uncovered completely new opportunities for close proximity communication or, as in our case, for positioning services. What is more, UWB has low latency time, which in simple words means that it can be refreshed rapidly — even 10 times per second. That gives our end algorithms more location points to analyze.

Indoorway Hub and Tag — our very first own hardware

Indoorway Hive vs. other positioning technologies

All indoor positioning technologies use transmitters and emitters. In the most popular Bluetooth- and WiFi-based solutions, mobile phones work as transmitters, while beacons or WiFi routers as emitters. It looks a little bit different for Indoorway Hive. The solution is based on pocket-sized Tags and Hubs that are installed on walls or ceilings.

Another difference is that Bluetooth- and WiFi-based technologies work on 2.4 Ghz, and within allowed power emission it could work up to 100 m radius. It sounds great, though in reality it’s not very usable. Why not? Due to the way the measurements are being done: in case of Bluetooth or WiFi they can be made only by measuring the signal strength. Unfortunately, it is not the most accurate method due to noises or obstacles (e.g. walls) that may occur in the ether. Also self-interference, as a result of narrow band usage during the transmission, has a negative impact on the measurements’ accuracy.

UWB Spectrum in comparison to other technologies

Receivers measure the distance using the travel time of a radio signal (similar to GPS). Such measurement is based on very dense small peaks in the ether, taking whole bandwidth with a little power. This method makes it possible to eliminate any problems concerning Bluetooth/WiFi solutions.

Moreover, from other modulations’ perspective on used spectrum, UWB signal is nearly the same as noisewave, which means it affects other spectrums to smaller extent. We may also reverse this thought and say that other spectrum users don’t affect UWB much because of the same reasons.

Indoorway Hubs are usually placed on walls or ceilings.

Indoor positioning technologies in real life

Although Indoorway Hive offers accuracy up to 20–30 cm, it doesn’t mean that it is better than Indoorway Open based on Bluetooth protocol. The technologies complement rather than cannibalize each other.

Let’s imagine a big shopping mall, where visitors use a dedicated mobile application for wayfinding, tagging favorite spots or receiving notifications about discounts. In this case, Indoorway Open would be more suitable, as it offers more app-centric and end-user-oriented approach. On the other hand, mall managers have completely different needs. They want to understand customers better and adjust their space to boost sales, so their main focus is optimization based on data associated with traffic analysis. Such information can be delivered thanks to Indoorway Hive system with Tags installed on shopping carts or baskets.

That’s only one example from just a single type of buildings, and there’s a huge range of venues and business that could be smartened up this way. Indoorway Open and Indoorway Hive create many possibilities — not only for space owners and managers. First of all, those Indoorway tools are easy to use for all developers, who want to create smart building solutions and gain clients from various branches.

Find out more by visiting

Security first

Security was crucial for us from the very beginning, and it has become even more important when we started talking with our clients. Thanks to them we realised that not only are they looking for the most accurate solutions, but also for save ones. Unfortunately, on the wave of IoT trend and developing new devices security aspect is very often omitted. Personally, I think this is the most important part of any internet-connected device.

There was one funny scene in “Bing bang theory” sitcom, which you may have heard about.

The episode called “The Cooper-Hofstadter Polarization” that originally aired in 2008 — but case is still up to date.

The main characters were experimenting with the Internet of Things. It looks pretty funny as their devices are accessed and controlled by Internet users, but what could happen if such devices was hacked?

In Indoorway Hive we’ve addressed the security issue seriously and we had kept this in mind from the very beginning of development. What does it mean in practice?

Encryption on every level of communication

This way we defend ourselves and our clients from two most basic attack vectors: non-existent or weak encryption and non less frequent human error.

Blocked JTAG and secure storage

Software and secrets are kept safe.It’s like with your house — if anyone knows how to get the key, it is easy to just enter through front door.

Secure updates

If we didn’t have a way of making updates, maintenance would be close to impossible. On the other hand, if we didn’t have it secure, this would open yet another cracking possibilities. Therefore, we have secure, key-signed and transfer-encrypted updates to address that and make maintenance doable.

UWB technology for digitizing indoor spaces

Check out Indoorway Hive features in practise!

Indoorway Hive is more than just application of UWB technology. It is the first indoor positioning system that uses our own hardware. We’ve put a lot of hard work to create it, so we’ll appreciate your opinion and comments on this. If you want to digitize any venue or see how Indoorway Hive works — drop us a line at

