Hello React!

My inaugural hello page for React

Indra Lukmana
Indra Lukmana
2 min readJul 19, 2018


React Logo

I have been meaning to learn react for sometimes. I keep delaying learning it as I felt confused when reading about its comparisons with other kinds of library such as Vue and Angular. But I think I need to choose and just try it. Here I will document my inaugural hello page.

I want to try the React in my own computer so I first will download the libraries and add them to html manually. Looking through the getting start documentation I only need two files for simple try: react.development.js and react-dom.development.js. There is even a sample single html here.

To get those two files I go to the react GitHub repository and look at the release. I think I found what I am looking for.

React Release in GitHub

I then create a local git folder for my learning and structure it like this:

My Basic React Structure

I don’t know if this is a good structure. I think we will need to do some tooling using something like Webpack to properly use the library. Anyway, I then create a basic structure in the html. Then I put some hello.

Basic React Import

Open Chrome and voila!

Hello React Page

Yeay! there it is! Nothing fancy yet. Just starting point for my next learning.

