Shwetabh Singh
INDRA Networks
2 min readJun 4, 2022


This is an excerpt from Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations from 1961, USA.

First of C119Gs landing in India


Mr Andrews — George W Andrews. Alabama (Democrat)

General Wilson — Major General Winston P. Wilson, Assistant Chief of the National Guard Bureau for Air National Guard

General Friedman — Major General RJ Friedman, Director of Budget, HQ, USAF


Mr. ANDREWS. You told us several weeks ago that some of your men
flew some C-119’s, I believe, to India.

General WILSON. That was the Air Force Reserve; yes, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. You did not know at that time who gave the aircraft
to the Indians or anything about it except that you people flew them
over there.

General WILSON. Yes, sir; that is right.

Mr. ANDREWS. Have you learned anything since that time about it?

General WILSON. Since that was primarily the Air Force Reserve
and not the Air National Guard, I believe General McCarty furnished
that for the record.

Mr. ANDREWS. Do you know anything about why the gift was made!

General WILSON. No, sir.

Mr. ANDREWS. How many did we send over there and leave?

General WILSON. I do not have those figures, Mr. Andrews.

General FRIEDMAN. Twenty-nine aircraft.

Mr. ANDREWS. All you know is that you flew them over there and
left them?

General FRIEDMAN. It was under the mutual security military sales
program. Those aircraft were excess to the Air Force, and the sale
included some equipment on board, such as multi-man life rafts, to go
along with them.”

Mr. ANDREWS. Did the mutual security program reimburse the Air
Force for those planes?

General FRIEDMAN. Yes, sir; aircraft in the best possible condition
were selected, and the Government of India agreed to accept the air-
craft in an “as is, where is” condition.

Mr. ANDREWS. I wish you would insert in the record for me the
original cost of those planes and the total amount realized by the Air
Force for the 29 that were turned over to the Indian Government.
General FRIEDMAN. Yes, sir.

(The information requested follows:)
During June and July 1960, Air Force Reserve crews ferried 21 of the 29
C-119 aircraft delivered to India. These aircraft were excess to the needs of
the U.S. military services and were purchased by the Indian Government from their own resources, under the mutual security military sales program. The purchase price was $3,552,268 plus $300,000 paid for the cost of ferrying. The total amount of $3,852,268 has been reimbursed to the Air Force.
The original cost to the Air Force for these aircraft (computed on an average unit flyway cost of $703,000) was $20,387,000.



Shwetabh Singh
INDRA Networks

I manage @IndianDefenceRA. I write mostly about defence and history. Reach me at @singhshwetabh71