Case Study: Our drones finalised the road alignment for Narmada Pad Yatra

The objective was to find out the road alignment for Narmada Pad Yatra and to increase tourism activities by redeveloping the Narmada River Front.

Prince Diwakar
3 min readMay 8, 2018


Scope in brief

Finalising the most suitable road alignment out of multiple alignment options.

Resolving the clash between proposed road alignment, existing and proposed structures from another organisations.


Jabalpur government wanted to construct a road to facilitate Narmada Pad Yatra, and also wanted to develop tourism activities around the Narmada River Front. We helped them in deciding the possible alignment options for the required road by conducting aerial survey using drones.

Contours superimposed on Digital Elevation Model

In general, the road should follow contour pattern of the region. Thus, we used drones to generate Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and contour of the given area. Using the contour (as shown above), we came up with three possible alignment options for Narmada Pad Yatra. Thereafter, with the help of Orthomosaic (also generated using drones), we visualised the entire area and discussed over the construction requirements for the road.

Orthomosaic of the given area

The Challenges

  1. There exists a water treatment plant nearby which cannot be relocated.
  2. Land acquisition was very difficult in one of the three options for road alignment.
  3. Intersection from proposed structures which are being managed by another organisations.
  4. No communication means and platform that can bring organisations working at this area together to resolve their conflicts.
High resolution orthomosaic showing Water Treatment Plant

The Solution

We carried out aerial survey of the given area (approx. 6.5 sq. km) using UAV and generated orthomosaic, digital elevation model, contour and point cloud.

  1. With orthomosaic, we were able to check and resolve conflict with other proposed and existing structures. Also, we superimposed precise land boundaries over the existing design drawings to avoid any further disputes. Thus, we successfully diverted away the alignment from Water Treatment Plant at the initial stage itself.
  2. Using Digital Elevation Model and contours, we helped them in finalising the best alignment out of the three options. Moreover, we also generated accurate cross-sectional and longitudinal profiles which enabled the client to do cost estimation and complete project planning ahead of time.
  3. Both our client and the other organisation visualised the entire area in 3D using Point Cloud and came to a mutually agreeable solution for the best road alignment option which would fulfil both their requirements.
Point Cloud (Left), Digital Elevation Model showing stream alignment

The Results

As a result, our client was able to finalise the most suitable road alignment for the Narmada Pad Yatra. Final road alignment is shown below.

Final road alignment for Narmada Pad Yatra

About Indshine

Indshine provides enterprise drone solutions to highways, railways, mining, smart city, power transmission, forestry etc. Please visit to know more. If you have any query or want a demo, kindly drop us an email at

