How India got its name?

The origin of the word India and Hindu

Aman Ranjan Verma


Teracota Elephants Images
Source: Balaji Malliswamy(Unsplash)

Around 5000 years ago, when many cultures around the world were nomadic forest dwellers, India had a well-established settlement named Harappan culture on the bank of the river Sindhu. The civilization is now popularly known with the name Indus Valley Civilization.

Indus Valley Civilization.
Source: History 101

The Harappan culture had well-planned cities with houses with drain. The people were prosperous and involved in trade with Afganistan, Iran, and other neighboring countries of today.

The game of name

  • In brief, the name ‘India’ originates from the River Sindhu, the very ancient and popular Indus valley civilization.
  • Initially, there was no word like India or Indus. It all started with the word Sindhu.
  • The Aryan(Indo-Iranian people) referred to the river Indus as the Sindhu(a Sanskrit word).
  • The old Persian equivalent of Sindhu is Hindu. So, the Persian invaders started calling the Sindhu “Hindu”. Time Period: 600 BCE to 300 BCE
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Aman Ranjan Verma

Senior Data engineer, QuillBot | Ex-Flipkart | Ex-Sigmoid. I publish weekly. Available for 1:1 at