INDX Investor Update

INDX Capital
INDX Capital
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2018

As INDX moves into Q3 2018, we wish to share our exciting progress and achievements and outline our updated roadmap ahead. We have listened carefully to our stakeholders and made important improvements to our business model.

Assessing market sentiment and the complex regulatory environment regarding security tokens, the INDX Board have taken the commercially driven decision to postpone the pre-sale and public sale to Q4 2018, thus allowing the private sale investment team a longer window to onboard strategic investors and put us in the strongest possible position to hit our $50m hardcap.

Despite tough market conditions, INDX have circled $2m of investment from institutional and sophisticated investor groups and have a further $10m in the pipeline. We are also in advanced discussions with major Crypto investment funds located in the Far East, North America and Europe. We anticipate announcing the outcome of these negotiations shortly.

In the meantime, we have built out the tech team, who have successfully spun up all major Masternodes and are streaming live performance data, crucial for back-testing. The Algorithm Team have successfully delivered an MVP, using actual Masternode data since October 2017 to produce an ROI in excess of 180%. This is a major milestone, representing a key piece of intellectual property which proves the business model and a strong base to optimise over time. Our Investment Committee will soon be deploying a trial portfolio.

The number of Masternode networks has rapidly expanded from 30 to over 400 in nine months, constituting over 90,000 individual Masternodes. No wonder Fidelity have recently invested in Masternodes. As the landscape continues to expand, the INDX algorithm will ensure only the best performing Masternodes are held in the portfolio. The graph below demonstrates our market-beating performance of Reward v Underlying Capital, even during prolonged bearish conditions.

Our rebranded website, including our exclusively licensed JAM list, goes live imminently and positions INDX at the forefront of the entire Masternode ecosystem. This is accompanied by the Beta release of the INDX Whitepaper and demonstrates our intent to launch an STO, so both retail and institutional grade investors can benefit from the booming Masternode landscape. We are in advanced talks with all major security exchanges to ensure our token will be compliant and allow INDX holders to trade freely.

INDX community have been very active, especially during our TG Friday ‘Scrum’ where we feature a different Masternode project. This is soon to grow as we deploy a series of AirDrops, PR, marketing campaigns and road-shows, which has already seen the Investment team travel to New York, Frankfurt, Belgium and South Korea.

We will soon announce a significant reduction in our Management Fees, so more rewards can be passed on to our token holders. We have also finessed the Tokenomics to include a locked allocation for a Token Crypto Economic Reserve. Finally we are planning to insure the AUM and introduce custody services to give greater comfort to investors.

As we now focus our attention on marketing, we are sure you’ll be seeing at lot more of us and we look forward to sharing our strategy and answering your questions in a Telegram AMA, details to be announced soon. In the meantime if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at

Yours sincerely,

Jonathan DeCarteret.

CEO & Co-Founder



INDX Capital
INDX Capital

INDX Group Ltd is an innovative creator of decentralised financial (DeFi) solutions for a new tokenized world.