Indydesk Blog
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3 min readJan 10, 2020


5 Most Important Cold Calling Techniques

Cold Calling is an unpleasant job, yet cold calling techniques are one of the most adequate ways to gather new customers and leads for your business. Cold Calling techniques are equally exciting as well as horrible but the feel of successful sale via a cold call is really valuable. Since the rapid increase of the online channel of sales and marketing, cold calling has really vanished. However, if performed properly cold calling is still a hugely reliable option for marketing even today.

Given below are the most important techniques for cold calling

Must-Know To Whom The Call Is Intended

If you don’t know to whom the call is for then you can’t do the cold calling. Having the knowledge of the calculated recipient of the call helps the caller automatically in making the right pitch in his/her calls and also the right leads to follow.

Don’t Get Upset By The Rejections

In this felid of cold calling techniques, you must face rejection. It is a part and parcel of this profession and it’s also true that you’ll be faced with rejections more than the time of your entire life. This is because people most often are suspicious about you and your product and don’t really trust your brand for that matter too.

Don’t let these rejection become an obstacle for you, instead of it consider it as a challenge that you still need to improve on your product and also need to refine your procedures over the course of time.

Analyze There Objections

You will face a number of objections and rejections in this field. Firstly, you have to get that there’s nothing wrong with your approach, it’s just another way of enquiring about your products and offerings. The best way to deal with objections is to know in advance what they will be and prepare a true answer to improve them. It works as same as you prepare for a debate competition. Try to find out all the possible objections to your statement and prepare accordingly.

Be Familiar With Your Product

Some of the prospects are charmed by your product’s price, some fall to the design and looks, some are fond of your sales pitch and idea. Although it’s necessary to know about your product beforehand always, however, if you do it’s very useful. This is because some customers really want to know the technical details of your product before they buy it. This is very true for the products involving IT and business process consulting.

Keep A Track Of Your Results

Must keep a note of all the involved factors such as time of the call, whom you spoke to, size of the company, and the script and answers you used since all make a huge impact on the analysis of data and thus allows for easier comprehension of desired techniques and variables to use. It is also advisable to use specified CRM software, as it will be really helpful to keep your records and to manage the data. Also, it helps you to remind the calls that you may forget or in future want to manage.

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