Debian: Fully Encrypted + Testing With Oracle VirtualBox

How-To Protect Your Data, The Fun Way!

Gustave Deresse
The Ineclectic Publications


The finished view after pressing the super-key. Looks amazing!

Here’s a guide to help you install Debian with full hard drive encryption.

This setup is useful in the case of losing your laptop, as the device is locked and scrambled while turned off.

Other cases could include to protect your device from being turned on remotely without your knowledge, or deterring nosy family members and roommates from snooping while you’re away.

Warning : forgetting the initial passphrase means losing full access to your device. No data recovery can be made without it.

Debian Linux and VirtualBox by Oracle​

First to address, is whether you’re now just looking to try things out, or if you intend to perform the installation as the main OS of your computer.

If just testing, then it is recommended to use a virtual platform, such as VirtualBox by Oracle.

This allows you to install any full OS from within a window running on your main OS. This allows for experimentation and mistakes without affecting the rest of your PC.

If going to install Debian with full encryption directly onto your PC, then you can skip to the next section, entitled…

