How Modern Day Men Have Become Radically Feminized

Why It’s A Problem

Nicholas Schacherl
The Ineclectic Publications
5 min readDec 1, 2022


Photo by Chris Blonk on Unsplash

I’d like to open up this story by defining femininity and then masculinity so that you can get a clear idea of what I’m referring to throughout the article. One thing to clarify is that both male and female posses these traits but ideally, depending on which gender you are, you should be experiencing one more dominantly.

Defining Femininity And Masculinity

Femininity is the embodiment of emotionality, compassion, submissiveness, and sensitivity. It is of the assumption that in a relationship, the person with a more feminine personality will be marginally less dominant and rely on the more masculine partner to account for many of the decisions that need to be made. In contrast we have masculinity which embodies someone who is competitive, is purposeful, is productive, has high testosterone, and is driven towards ambition and the completion of goals. Those with more masculine traits will be focused on their career and purpose while those with feminine traits will focus on love and obsess over whoever they are in a relationship with.

With this information we can slowly start to see how a more feminine persona suits that of a women and a more masculine persona suits that of a man.

Now you might be thinking, wait, what on God’s green earth is this guy saying? Is he saying that women shouldn’t focus on their career and shouldn’t have hopes for the future and only care about getting into a relationship with a masculine man and and and and… No, what I’m saying is that the modern day has skewed our perception of what masculinity and femininity is and It’s sending everyone in a downwards spiral.

So now that we have defined the difference between masculine and feminine energy lets get down to why I believe men are becoming more and more emasculated and more feminized.

How Men Are Becoming More Feminine

Lets face it, and I think we can all agree that your great grandfather probably had double your testosterone (the male growth hormone of which the counterpart is estrogen), if not ten times the amount. The reason for this is that all your life growing up and throughout school you have been told to suppress your natural masculine instincts and adopt a more agreeable and feminine identity. From the teachers in your school threatening you if you so much as make a sound to your mother being heavily overprotective of you. With this we can see how at least 60% of guys have transferred to a more feminine persona. And yes I say guys and not men because nowadays most guys don’t earn the right to be called men. I know that that sounds harsh but I honestly and wholeheartedly believe it to be true. Another movement aiding in the feminization of males is the idea that is portrayed and very heavily advocated by the media that “It’s okay to be weak.” While I do believe that it is okay to be weak, I also believe that is is not okay to stay weak. As men we all have a duty to protect, provide, and strengthen our family and tribe or men who we have as a close inner circle that we trust. With the combination of all these teaching, we as men had no choice but to fall in line with the populace as they moved males into a more feminine position. Not only have men become more feminine but women more masculine. On the surface you might say that this is not a terrible thing, but when you examine it closer you realize it is in fact a problem. With women more masculine we know they will be more focused on their career and purpose, driving them towards the mindset that they don’t in fact need a man to provide and if they have one that does provide for her he soon becomes obsolete, leading her to believe it more beneficial to either leave or divorce him.

All in all this sums up how we as men are being pushed into a much more feminine persona. If you would like more information on this I highly suggest reading the below article when you are finished this one.

Now that you’ve seen how this is all happening well, why is it a problem?

Why A Generation of Emasculated Men Is A Problem

How many times have you heard the old, go to college, get a degree, try find a job that pays well enough with said degree, come to the conclusion that you will make more money from a nine to five job so do that instead. After ten years of hard work you meet a woman, get married, have kids, and eventually things start looking up for you. What they don’t tell you is that then your wife divorces you at the age of forty, wins the court case, takes the kids, and you end up committing suicide 2 years later. You might be saying something along the lines of, oh that wouldn’t happen to me I my wife would never leave me and bah bah bah… But the reality is that the minute she realizes that your are overly feminine and that she doesn’t need you or has lost attraction for you, you’re left all alone having to pay for your kids’ education who you hardly ever get to see. Yes of course divorces happen for many other reasons but the majority of the time it is either because the man is too feminine and doesn’t know how to handle conflicting situations or doesn’t have a meaningful purpose to drive him to further success or fulfillment as well as the women coming to the understanding that she can provide for herself. The consequences of a generation of feminized boys is not ideal for the world at all and I covered this with much greater detail in the below story.

So What Do We Do

As men we have a duty to be masculine and do great things for the people we care about and the world we live in. Our main objective right now should be to find a purpose that spans greater than ourselves, one which is fulfilling and could change us from being overly feminine guys, to ambitious, productive men.

Now for the most part this article has been quite doom and gloom, yet it isn’t all so bad. As of late the world has been slowly coming to realize that maybe what society preaches shouldn’t exactly be gospel, but instead should be challenged and progressed. There is a very helpful quote by G. Michael Hopf which goes:

“Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times.”

We are currently in the good times, but the hard times are coming and we need strong men now more than ever.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and as always, stay safe and stay humble.




Nicholas Schacherl
The Ineclectic Publications

Masculinity is dying and we need to change that. I write to help all men struggling with mental health so that they can become spiritually strong.