I Made Life Happen, and So Should You

A friendly reminder to take responsibility

Nicholas Schacherl
The Ineclectic Publications
3 min readDec 14, 2023


Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash

How often has the day ended with you sitting there thinking, what have I accomplished? What fruits have my labors produced? Well, you needn’t worry as I have been that person. At the end of the day, no matter how hard we sometimes try, the hours seem to disappear as the monotony overtakes us. So? How do we escape this stage of our lives, which we all inevitably go through (most likely more than once)? Well, I’m happy to report that that’s what this story will be covering.

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
— Benjamin Franklin.

The above proverb may seem out of place, but I believe it to be quite fitting regarding this particular topic. It outlines the importance of taking responsibility in your own life, mastering the hours of your day over becoming a slave to them. If we take what Franklin said to heart, we will be on the road to making something meaningful of ourselves and our lives.

The only way to live life and experience all that God has created is to take responsibility.

Now, does this mean you have to go to sleep at 6 pm and wake up at 4 am? No! Well… most likely not. The point is that you make an effort to take responsibility in your life, allowing you to dictate what your time is spent on. I will acknowledge that this is not always possible. For example, you might be at the mercy of whoever you work for, and they might play a heavy part in controlling your schedule.

The imperative thing to remember is that you can still apply this to the smaller areas of your life where you have control. Even if they seem insignificant, you will notice a difference.

I’ve been placed in this situation many times where I let life go on without me, and at a certain point, I had enough. I had to take action and do something, even if it felt meaningless at that moment. The truth of the matter is that you won’t want to put in the extra effort to bear fruit in your life. I know I didn’t, as it meant giving up some form of hedonism in the process. But trust me when I say that it’s completely worth it.

Find something you’re passionate about and set to work on it. Put down the TV remote, stop spending your life vicariously living through others on social media, and go clean your room.

Take responsibility for your life; it is 100 %worth it.

Don’t shy away from risks; jump at the chance to take them.

Whether you are starting a new business or want to ask that girl you like for her number, risk-taking seems daunting. Nothing ventured is nothing gained, and when it comes to life, you want to get something out of it. Right?

Gain and loss are a part of the human experience, and if you aren’t willing to accept both, you’ll run into more than a few problems throughout your life. So instead of turning tale and running whenever something looks risky, jump at it.

Just make sure to be logical about the risks you do end up taking.

From now on, I want you to make an effort to live life and take responsibility for it. So get out there and make those friends you’ve been searching for, go start that business you’ve been putting together in the back of your mind, and go ask the girl you’ve eyed for a while now if she wants to get a coffee.

Go Live life, and don’t apologize for it.

I hope you enjoyed this read and that it was somewhat helpful. As always, stay safe and stay humble.

If you want to know more about me and my mission, consider checking out the story below.

Nicholas is a writer focused on the true essence of God-given purpose and masculinity, As well as dropping the occasional poem here and there.



Nicholas Schacherl
The Ineclectic Publications

Masculinity is dying and we need to change that. I write to help all men struggling with mental health so that they can become spiritually strong.