The Lighthouse

A poem on darkness and light


“Eddystone Lighthouse, During a Storm” — William Daniell (1769–1837). Image from

A treacherous light rests on the pillow
Of the soul that is left alone
Wandering in the darkness of betrayal
Ice accumulates beneath the window
A death rattle unsettles the peace of the loyal guards

It was never meant to be found
Graced in fog and magnificent stars
A forgotten lighthouse
Fights for ascension
Shining its ghostly light on a sea of pain

Another dismemberment of sorrow
Without a way towards the Self
The colonel now sheds a sparkly tear
While the sun disappears in the womb
Of the hungry and restless waters of despair

This poem was inspired by Gustave Deresse’s prompt “Light Pierces Darkness — Not The Other Way Around”.



The Ineclectic Publications

Inspired by soul journeys in the dreaming and waking life and beyond. Revered by the night and the darkness of the Unconscious.