Your Anger Needs To Serve You

Not The Other Way Around

Nicholas Schacherl
The Ineclectic Publications
3 min readDec 12, 2022


‘Useful Anger’ | AI Image Generated by NicholasTheWriterman, in ~NightCafe~.

Anger is a fickle emotion when it comes to the large spectrum of feelings which inhabit our beings. Now what exactly do I mean when I say that your anger should serve you and not the other way around?

Anger Is A Tool

Anger is one of those emotions that if you let it run rampant in your life with no restrictions whatsoever, it will completely and utterly annihilate you from the inside out. You need to be able to control your emotions in a way that doesn’t suppress them but instead, gives you the ability to use them and let them out when the time calls for it. Anger is one of those emotions. Yet, with anger you don’t want it to be let out in a destructive way or in a way that would render harm to those around you or your environment. No, rather you want it to be utilized in a way that allows you to create or drive progress in some way or another. A typical example of this is the gym; many people who are dealing with some serious emotional problems in their lives use weightlifting as a way to let that anger out and put it to use. This can transform peoples’ lives, using that once hindering anger to sculpt a new body to improve and harness feats of strength in them.

Just through this alone we can begin to see how it can be very useful in many different ways. Many a great piece of music was created by those who were angry at the world but rather decided to turn that emotion into a force for creation. When you are feeling angry however it is important to remember that you cannot lash out at anything in specific, yes there can be a reason to be angry but it is important to get into the mindset that you becoming angry about it will not solve any bit of the problem, but rather turning it into something of value.

So whenever you feel angry think of something productive you can do and you’ll be surprised how turning your negative emotions into something worthwhile can impact your life.

What If You Can’t Control Your Anger

This is a sign that you need to do some inner work on yourself or learn about emotional control and how to harness any negative emotions you may be experiencing, almost turning them off/expelling them into something creative or progressive. The consequences, however, of letting your anger run rampant throughout your life are dire. You will become so infused with rage that the slightest of annoyances will set you off. You will begin to feel as if the life you are living is ultimately pointless and if your life is pointless and everything you do will only cause you pain in the long run well why should you do anything? Ultimately this train of thought will lead you down a nihilistic pathway which doesn’t look or feel too pretty.

What you need to understand is that the anger cannot and should not get to you in any way whatsoever and if it does you need to know how to temper it and turn it into something good. This story was hopefully a call to action, one that will raise our awareness of the ripeness to be had if you were to work on yourself in this regard.

In the near future I will be writing an article on emotional control and how to learn it, which will include elements of stoicism that can help you with this dilemma of turning your anger towards something useful. So stay tuned.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article and as always, stay safe and stay humble.


