Donald Trump just got elected the 45th president and people are freaking the fuck out

manisha birdi
Published in
4 min readNov 11, 2016

Early Tuesday morning and throughout the day my social media was constantly buzzing with people urging people to go out and vote. I knew I wanted to vote for Hillary because I would rather have her as a president than have Donald Trump in office.

Well, The Donald won and shit is going mayhem.

When I first heard that Donald Trump was running, I didn’t even flinch because I never thought he would have actually make it this far. Boyyyy did he prove me wrong. In all honesty, I was scared. My roommate started crying because she didn’t know what would happen to her family and while consoling her I bursted into tears because I thought to myself about my own family. My dad would be a target for wearing his turban, he would be judged for being from India working at a liquor store, if my siblings ever wanted to come out it would be so difficult for them to, etc. I was scared for my family as well. What’s going to happen? Will they be there when I graduate? Did my dad really give up everything for me to have whatever he has left taken away from him? Although all this was going through my head I thought to myself our future president doesn’t even give a shit about me.

But it’s not just me. Many women now left mourning over the loss of a potential landmark in feminism and fearing what a Trump presidency means for them. I’m a women and I constantly have to protect myself from sexual comments, guys harassing me, and thinking whatever they say is acceptable.

As soon as an hour after Trump was elected, protests began throughout California. The theme of these protests were LGBT, #notmypresident, immigrants will be free, etc. I protested for all of these, but what really stuck out for me was protesting for the right to be a women in a country where the man who says things like “Grab them by the pussy” should not be our president. As a joke I heard many guys disrespectfully repeat this to my face.

Why is it always a joke when women decide to speak up? Every time we gather the courage to defend ourselves, speak out, fight back we are suddenly classified as “feminist bitches” Feminist writer Jessica Valenti tweeted that this is “what backlash looks like — to women’s rights, to racial progress, to a cultural shift that doesn’t centre white men.” This is true. I can’t sit here and try to get my male friend try to understand why most women were in tears on election night. Call it what you want but if I have to be a feminist bitch to make sure my little sister, nieces, cousins, and generations after me are treated better than I am then i’m going to be a feminist bitch and be proud of it. But, let it be said that sexual equality is not a feminist goal. I’m just as equal as a 57 year old white man and I shouldn’t have to explain why I’m not. Donald Trump is bringing out the rage in women in all of California. How is a man who doesn’t even know how abortion works going to tell us we can’t have abortions. “InFormation” is a badass feminist anthem that’s reminding everyone how damaging the Hyde Amendment and other anti-abortion laws are for women.


We as women can not let the government decide what we can and can not do with our bodies, IT’S OUR BODY! Trump mentioned clearly that he is anti-abortion or should I say grabbing the by the pussy and pulling them out at 9months. Women went through so much bullshit just to be able to do things like vote and now we are getting thrown back thousands of steps. Well, the women of this generation are like the past a lot of us know our rights and won’t state them to you we will just fuck you up. However, some women did vote for Donald Trump, so what should that tell us? But Clinton’s stunning loss Tuesday night showed that issues of culture and class mattered more to many American women than their gender. In a seminar speaker series I attended at UCR Donald Trump was referred to as a reactionary conservative where he is dead set against change of any kind and see political conflict as a struggle of good versus evil. We are not taking steps backward we are literally getting thrown back into the past, but our generation is and will continue to fight back.

