The Untold Truth of Being a Women in China

Ladies, where would you like to live?

Ziming Wang
4 min readNov 27, 2016


China’s Population and Female to Male Ratio

China, the most populated country in the world with the current population at 1,384,898,932 billion people has some untold gender stereotypes. With more than 644 million females, China has one of the worst social gaps between females and males.

Why are Asian Males more favorable?

In most Asian countries, males are regarded as the supreme sex. Many Asian parents prefer having boys over girls because males are so called: “almighty, smart, know-it-all, and the responsible sex.” To my belief, Asian males are more favorable because they have more strength than women, making them capable of building houses and take care of the family’s plantation. Much more than what women can offer. Another advantage of being a male is, you get to keep your surname, while Asian women marry off, usually taking their husbands last name. So naturally an Asian family would like a son so their family name can continue.

China’s One-Child Policy

This was a program implemented in the late 1970s and early 80s by the central government of China. The one-child policy states that only one family can have one child unless you pay a certain amount of money to the government. This policy not only targeted rural area families, it also changed made males more desirable as the first born. Rural families have long been making a big impact on China’s population because they are usually poor. Families in rural areas of China have to have a big offspring in order to support their family income. Now with the one-child policy what is going to happen? They also do not have the right resources for abortion, so a lot of times they either do it themselves (which could be highly dangerous) or they will just simply throw the baby away if it happens to be a female.

What is the impact on women?

Some Chinese Leaving Baby Girls for Dead

In garbage dumps on the outskirts of Beijing, scavengers occasionally uncover the unthinkable — newborn baby girls, abandoned and left to die.

It would only be the rational decision to leave your baby in the dumpster because you, and your family will die because of this “ females are inferior view ”. Since China limit families to only one child, of course you would want a child that can generate income thus supporting you when you are old.

What other effect has this policy generated?

“In Chinese culture, respecting your parents is the most important quality, and not getting married is like the biggest sign of disrespect” Due to the unbalance ratio of male to female a lot of women are having a hard time finding partners. Unmarried females in their late 20s and over are often described in Chinese society as “leftover women.” Thousands of parents attend the “marriage market” where they display signs with information of their single child. How can a women live in a society like this?

“It’s like you’re selling your daughter,” a woman in the video says

China’s Wedge Gap between Male and Female

Women in China appear to have it worst in the region; they earned 40.7 percent less than their male counterparts in 2013, more than double the 19.6 percent figure in 2000. Gender income inequality has persist because culture and tradition has prevented women from access to social needs such as education and employment.

A women in China is naturally viewed as less because culture and society made it this way. Luisa Murano an advocate for gender equality argues in order to create a true feminist social change we must go beyond gender equality. China’s long created a space for gender inequality as part of their culture. In order to fix this problem we have to teach women to stand up for themselves and be proud and embrace femininity especially in such a patriarchy society.

In early 2016 China ended their three decade One-Child Policy

Is this Progress?

