About depression and loneliness

Inevitable Midnight Screams
3 min readJan 20, 2018
abandoned. like my past.

And so I was alone. Like I did before.

Questions, about depression have come in before.
Answer is what I gave them,
But wonder came to me.

Not a suicidal thoughts, no. Never gone that far.

I was raised this way, and was an end product of something I never thought of.

The problem is I was rejected. Or at least wasn’t welcome at all. Years and years I try to find myself, who I am, what I wanted to be. And yes, I’ve find answers, I find calm, I find a place to belong.

empty. like my soul.

But at some point in my life, I feel empty. and by some point I mean 9 years, altogether.
I was an exile.
A failed product.
And I never realized that.

I wasn’t bullied no. I was,


frozen. like my heart.

After all this 20 years of my life.
3 was an infant.
3 was happy and innocent.
9 was lonely and delusional.
and 5 was actually living and thriving.

I always thought that I’m a strong person. That I did not fucking care about what others think about me.


after 20 years, now I realized what I seek is acknowledgement. I don’t know that. Really.

I was trying to win their hearts. And for what reason?

To payback years I’ve wasted.
To go back in time and change things so that I wasn’t like this.
If only I did things differently, I wouldn’t be like this.

Like this. I feel it now. the damn thing that engulf me.
I can see it clearly. I was looking for one thing that missing.
It’s like I’m screaming out loud. It’s my fault.

I’ve wasted you guys.
I’m too naive, you’re not the bad guys,
they just

a human being.

chances are, I won’t be fit in anyway. I was too late. I never really am, never was, and never would be. I did not have the capacity to be along with the gods.

I was an Introvert. I don’t know what I am now. Who I was made me what I am right now. But I know I’m not the man I used to be.

A friends. now that I have.

It wasn’t a long time,
But I appreciate it,
It may never go any further,
But I thankful for that.

I had what I had,
And with what I got right now,
I won’t make the same mistakes.

I won’t.
Because I know,
It hurts.




Inevitable Midnight Screams

a novice forester, who wrote about anything that come across his mind.