Belong to a particular group

Inevitable Midnight Screams
3 min readMar 23, 2019

Once upon a time, there was a boy
In his life, he did not belong to any group.

His friends did not hate him,
Nor bully him,
Or make fun of him,
There seem to be no problem from the boy’s behavior.

Try to avoid loneliness,
The boy befriended the opposite creature.
Feel comfortable, feel safe,
But again,
He knew he did not belong with them.

So the boy get on with his life.

Never tethered to anyone or anything,
The boy, longing for a deep relationship.

It doesn’t have to be romantic, no,
the boy didn’t ask much,
just a true relationship he can rely on.

A bit older now,
But still, a boy.

He found a group of people,
That talk the way he is,
And think the way he thinks.

Feel comfortable, feel safe,
He though he can rely on them for a long time,
But the time’s running out,
And their journey parted, in a way that never crosses each other again.

The boy did, belong to them,
But time set them apart

So the boy get on with his life.

Once tethered to someone,
The boy, still longing for a deep relationship.

It doesn’t have to be romantic, no,
the boy didn’t ask much,
just a true relationship he can rely on.

Even older now,
The boy pictured himself as a man.

Not wiser no,
But more experienced, he thought,
bitter, darker.

He did unspeakable things,
his younger-self wouldn’t do,
things, deemed foul,

Bear the burden,
he watch the society turn against him,
and he live with it,
he walk his way towards exile and banishment.

But down the path he met people,
people who used to resent him,
they look up to him, and greet him with an open arm.

He embrace them,
He let them in.

So the boy get on with his life.

Tethered to someone,
The boy, thankful for the relationship he had.

No, its not romantic, no,
but just enough to fill the emptiness,
and the void his heart.




Inevitable Midnight Screams

a novice forester, who wrote about anything that come across his mind.