I Will Yet

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #163

Mahesh CR
Inevitable Word
Oct 22, 2021


What tyranny hast Thou wrecked upon me
Charging on soul with love’s power absolute?
What human heart then could remain free
If Thou must snare all feeling for Thy nest?

All mine disciplines flee at Thy approach,
Manner of mind and decorum of heart
Make space for Thee to encroach,
What wilt Thou possess if nothing is left?!

The world yet whirls in its plaintive motions,
My cares are cast into the bottomless void,
I am become both action and silence,
To what end I dance I don’t yet understand.

If such be Thy aim and so be Thy means,
I will yet play with Thee in Thy dreams.



Mahesh CR
Inevitable Word

Hi, I am Mahesh CR, Founder @tataatsu. I walk the borderlands between technology & spirituality. Follow @kalisbrood for Spirituality & Hinduism related topics