The Folly of Science


Murli R
Inevitable Word
2 min readJul 3, 2020


Science measures Truth by observation and experiment;
It’s a dissecting board of a confident ignorance.
It visions God to be a factless nonexistence,
Thrust upon the weak and insipid.

It charts its course to high celestial bodies
And made in mid-space hovering stations of wonder.
It dreams of a human colony afar
And sends up moving bodies on a reconnaissance.

It has invented modern medicine and marvellous surgery,
Vaccines for the bloodstreams and nasal pores.
It even made companion-tools for the beating hearts,
Dire toys of death and moral forgery.

But it also made the heart frosty without a soul
And gave it a cold embrace of perpetual death.
It has conveniently replaced the heart’s living truth
With an ailing, death-obsessed demagogue.

It made mortal man’s sense of immortality,
His natural insignia of God in flesh and bone.
It made his mind a fearing apparatus of limitation
And implanted its dark contagions of death in it.

It derides the Spirit of man as a chimera
And overturns the inner for the outer.
But science is only a protégé of reason the divider,
Basking in the moonshine of its dubious saga.

To say say science is divine and occult within,
Only externalised and in outwardness sonorous
May not be void of facts or a rhyme without assonance,
But extolled wrongly thus, it became damningly inglorious.

O science, rather discover God
And be as wide as He!
In Him lies thy road to discovery,
And thy marvellous godhood.



Murli R
Inevitable Word

Founder@goldenlatitude. Lover of Sanskrit, Latin, Greek & the English Metre. Mostly write on Sri Aurobindo’s Yoga, whom I earnestly follow within and without.