The Herald for Shivāji Maharaj

Mahesh CR
Inevitable Word
Published in
2 min readSep 10, 2017

Line by line translation of a herald announcing arrival of Shivāji Maharaj. Listen to the herald first in the video. And then read a basic translation attempted.

महाराज | Great King

गणपति | Lord of Shiva’s Ganas, i.e. the powers attending upon Mahadevā

गजपति | Lord of elephants, or Lord of Vital Powers

अश्वपति | Lord of horses, or Lord of Spiritual Force leading the aspirant, think Ashwamedha Yagna

प्रजापति | Lord of the Peoples

स्वर्ण-रत्नाधिपति | Lord of gold and gems, or Lord of Plentitude

अष्टावधानजागृत | One aware of the Eight Cardinal directions

अष्टप्रधानवेष्टित | One aware of Eight Principal (Minds? Knowledge?)

न्यायालंकारमंडित | One who is an ornament to Nyāya or Law or Justice

शस्त्रास्त्र-शास्त्र पारंगत | One adept in using Shastrās, Astrās and well versed in all Shāstrās

राजनीति धुरंधर | Protagonist of Politics

प्रौढप्रताप-पुरंदर | One who is established in splendour, Destroyer of Forts

क्षत्रिय कुलवतौ | One from Kshatriya Clan

सिंहासनाधीश्वर | Lord of Thrones

महाराजाधिराज | King of Kings

राजशिवछत्रपतिभरदस्य | Great King Shiv Chhatrapati

विजयसो | ???

धर्मशास्त्र-पण्डित | Scholar of dharma

ज्ञानगोविंद | Govinda in Knowledge


रणधुरंधर | Protagonist in Wars

छत्रपति शम्भाजी भरदस्य | Great King Shambhaji

नमो पार्वती पति | Obeisance Lord of Pārvati

हर हर महादेव | Hail Hail Mahadeva!

(Author’s Note: In the history of Bharath, many were the Kings who would rightfully claim our praise, worship and obedience. Kings who would inspire our sense of patriotism, urge us to stand up for Dharma, and stand strong in our fight against all adharma. Though the names of Kings are numerous, the one most recent in our memories is Shivāji Maharaj. It is a common tradition for the herald to announce the King’s arrival to the court. The language seems a mixture of Marathi and Sanskrit, the latter of which the author knows a little and of the former none. With help of a team member, Arman Avasthi, this transcribing and translation has been attempted. Please do share a proper translation if you have one, and this text can be edited.)



Mahesh CR
Inevitable Word

Hi, I am Mahesh CR, Founder @tataatsu. I walk the borderlands between technology & spirituality. Follow @kalisbrood for Spirituality & Hinduism related topics