Who Art Thou

Sonnet — An Invocation to The Master #213

Mahesh CR
Inevitable Word
Dec 11, 2021


Who art Thou circling the skies of time
Patient-winged and acutely keen,
Keeping always Thy will’s sublime rhythm
Through the unknown and the known.

All in me has ripened to a humility,
My raw pride thoroughly kneaded,
All here speaks to Thy subtlety
That in marrow and mind is infused.

Thy infinite gambit makes all worthwhile,
Sorrow and death and salted tears
Catalysts grim that greaten our zeal
And inflames the soul fearless.

My human aims now seem so hollow,
How true Thou wert I don’t yet fully know!



Mahesh CR
Inevitable Word

Hi, I am Mahesh CR, Founder @tataatsu. I walk the borderlands between technology & spirituality. Follow @kalisbrood for Spirituality & Hinduism related topics