Letter Case Special Styles

Masiur Rahman Siddiki
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2018
camelCase & snake_case

When we see a hashtag in facebook or twitter, our eyes meet some special letter cases such as #RiseOfTigers #we_need_change etc. What are they ?

Actual use of these letter cases are seen in Programming (I will cover it another day) . Definitions are easily found over the internet. But I will keep it short, Letter Case is a fashionable way of writing systems. Skipping all those, Let’s go straight to examples.

Let’s consider sets of letters. ( Read String, if you are a developer/programmer)

Example Input: block of code

Camel Case:

Spaces and punctuations are removed and the first letter of each word is capitalized except for the very first letter. Example Output: blockOfCode.

Snake Case:

Spaces replaced with underscore character (_) and initial letter usually lower-cased. Example Output: block_of_code

When all upper case, it may be referred to as SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE.

Example Output: BLOCK_OF_CODE

Kebab Case:

As per snake_case above, except hyphens (-) rather than underscores are used to replace spaces. Also known as(aka) Dash-case, lisp-case, caterpillar-case, spinal-case.

Example Output: block-of-code

If every word is capitalized, the style is known as Train-Case.

Example Output: Block-Of-Code

Pascal Case:

Subset of Camel Case where the first letter is capitalized. Aka UpperCamelCase, DromedaryCase

Example Output: BlockOfCode

These styles are mostly used. Well Readers, That’s all for today. Thank you for wasting your time. Don’t forget to clap :P


  1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_case#Special_case_styles

2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Snake_case

3. http://wiki.c2.com/?PascalCase

4. https://github.com/bholben/Naming-Conventions

