Understanding AdMob Network

Md Yousuf Ali Khan
Published in
3 min readDec 9, 2015


AdMob network terms in a nutshell

Google AdMob

AdMob Network requests:

The total number of your app’s requests that resulted in actual ad serving requests being sent to the AdMob Network. AdMob Network requests that are filtered by certain platform features, such as AdMob Network optimization, will not be counted here.

Matched Request:

The number of times an ad was served in response to a request from your app.

Match Rate:

The percentage of ad requests that were filled with an ad. This value is calculated using Matched requests / AdMob Network requests.

For example, if an app’s Matched requests are equal to 40 and the total AdMob Network requests for the app is 50, then the app’s Match rate will be 80%.


The total number of ads shown to users of your app.

Show Rate:

The percentage of returned ads that were displayed in the app to the user. This value is calculated using (Impressions / Matched) requests.

For example, if the total number of Matched requests is 80, but your app only shows 60 of these, then the app’s Show rate will be 75%.

