Two mint updates in August!

The Official inFeedo Blog
3 min readAug 23, 2017

Amber has been visiting several HR summits and events recently. I had the opportunity to speak at NASSCOM HR Summit and TechHR about how AI is shaping the way HRs work. While it was a tremendous success and the future of AI in HR is bright, there’s a long way to go and your feedback and inputs are always helpful.

You can find me sharing my learnings and experience building Amber, at the NASSCOM HR Summit here.

Now let’s take a look at what’s new with Amber.

1.) Share how you feel about our Risk Zone prediction

As we work on improving Amber’s prediction algorithms, their current success rate helps us analyze their performance and tweak them for better results and accuracy.

You will now be able to share feedback for each of our predictions right from Amber’s dashboard. You simply have to click thumbs up if you feel the person belongs in their current risk zone, a thumbs down if you feel they shouldn’t be there.

We’d love to hear if you have more feedback to share about the same.

2.) Smart and relevant reachouts to boost response rates

Although we’ve seen some of the highest open rates in the industry with Amber’s reachout emails to the employees, we’ve made some changes to push this number even further.

Smart emails: Employees will now receive a different email for each milestone they complete. Based on their interaction with the email, Amber will maintain context over subsequent emails.

Relevant emails: You can now decide on whose behalf Amber should reachout to the employees. This will be helpful in the case of Group of companies and Conglomerates with various companies and CEOs under them, employees will now be able to receive emails from their respective CEOs. Let us know if you’d like this implemented in your company too.

Coming Soon: Improved Dashboard with Actionable Stats

As we added more reports to the dashboard for deeper analysis, we realized it made the current dashboard a bit overwhelming and harder to digest.

Hence we’ve been working on a more distilled version of the dashboard that will share actionable statistics in less than 10 seconds.

More on this in our next update, till then here’s a little sneak peek.

What we’re reading?

Employee Engagement & Loyalty Statistics: The Ultimate Collection:

39% of HR pros evaluate recognition programs with employee surveys; 35% do not measure their employee recognition programs

