Community Merge: Building Community through Games in Web3

Published in
3 min readSep 7, 2022

Everyone reading this is part of the new frontier. Artists, collectors, developers, engineers, entrepreneurs, and gamers all play a role as builders of the internet of the future. We all come from different walks of life with different specific interests. However, it is our feeling of fellowship, because of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals around digital asset ownership that makes us one Web3 Community.

This new world has ushered in tremendous talent; with it has come brilliance, creativity, determination, and passion. The possibilities and opportunities in front of us feel somewhat endless and generationally meaningful. Infrastructure is being built, IP is being developed and with it has come the emergence of the brands of the future.

We believe developing and growing the space is win for all of us. Building connections and learning from one another at this stage in our collective journey is critical for the long-term success of our ecosystem. Therefore, we are developing an initiative we call, “Community Merge”.

Leveraging our experience building games for the last 25+ years, we are going to select at least one community/project per calendar quarter to develop an interactive, playable experience based on our first working game title, InfiniMerge. These projects can range from CC0 to IP Protected, in which case we will purchase NFT’s to have the right to develop the in-game art/characters. Gameboards, music selection, and reward prizes will all correlate to the underlying selected community to enhance the player experience.

These will not serve as “official collaborations” with other communities/projects and there is no revenue sharing between or amongst the project founders. This is strictly for the benefit and pure enjoyment of NFT holders from the selected communities.

We look forward to building great experiences and games for our collective community, Web3.

— The InfiniGods Team

Who can participate in Community Merge events?

InfiniPass holders and holders of the selected community’s native token will be eligible to participate in Community Merge. Event announcements will include details around native token eligibility.

When will the first Community Merge event be held?

Prior to the end of Q3! Stay updated on Twitter & join our Discord for all the latest announcements on rules and prizes.

How often will there be a Community Merge?

At least once per quarter — there are so many amazing communities that we want to build experiences and games for, but we have to maintain a fair production schedule to balance our focus on continuing to develop & execute our full game development.

Are Community Merge events free to play?

Yes — while it is required to hold an InfiniPass or a native token from the given Community selected for the event, there is no additional fee to participate in the event. This is a chance for collectors to have an interactive and fun experience with their favorite assets.

What type of prizes are available and who is eligible to win?

Here is where Community Merge gets even better — the event prizes will be assets from the selected Community and everyone who participates is eligible to qualify to win! Have fun and potentially add to your collection at the same time!

