Great Movie Music of the Sixties: Part One

The films of the 1960s boasted memorable songs and some spectacular musical scores

Barry Silverstein
Infinite Pop
Published in
7 min readJul 27, 2024


Image of Hollywood Theater in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Contains information licensed under the Open Government Licence — Ontario. Graphic created in Canva by the author.

The 1960s was a transitional decade for Hollywood movies. Battered by the impact of television, the films of the first half of the Sixties were largely a combination of epic spectacles and lavish musicals that could leverage the big screen in movie theaters with maximum effect. Examples include Exodus and Lawrence of Arabia as well as West Side Story and Mary Poppins.

While that trend persisted into the mid-sixties with such films as The Sound of Music and Doctor Zhivago, the latter half of the decade saw a gradual movement to less elaborate quirkier films that appealed to a younger demographic. The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy, and Easy Rider reflect this change.

Movie scores were essential to distinguish films from one another and reinforce particular themes. Some movie theme songs and scores were so popular they turned into hits separate and apart from the films themselves. Movie musicals, of course, included many notable tunes; as a result, original soundtrack albums were commonly released during the decade.

In Part One of this two-part article, I cover some of the most memorable movie music produced from 1960 to 1964. I hope you enjoy it!



Barry Silverstein
Infinite Pop

Author, blogger and retired marketing pro. I like to write about brands, products and people of the past. Please visit my website: