Coming Soon: Genesis Tournament Series

Cem Sokullu
Infinite Arcade
Published in
7 min readMay 12, 2022

Infinite Arcade Genesis Tournament Series(GTS) starts soon as a part of the native token burning mechanism. Registrations for preparation tournaments are open.

Welcome Everyone,

We are proud to announce the ever first upcoming IA tournament event series Genesis Tournament Series(GTS).

As you know, this week has been an important milestone for Infinite Arcade. In addition to the listing of TIC in Quickswap and the start of the last Genesis batch sale, we would like to introduce you Genesis Tournament Series. This is something we will continue in the long run and GTS will be the first of many tournaments we will organize. With the help of these tournaments, we really would like to increase the utilization of your time with your TIC tokens and create a quality time for all Arcadians.

You probably think, about how you will compete with each other with different hyper-casual games. Well, that’s one of the perks of being a member of the Infinite Arcade community and all the games are connected to our groundbreaking infrastructure. Now, let us explore how this will work.

Tournament Structure

With GTS we bring you a brand new tournament structure by merging the best aspects of Web3 Gaming and Mobile Esports. Since some of you may be unfamiliar with this structure, we will start with 2 Preparation Tournaments in May, specifically designed for you to get used to the system. Each tournament will take 4 days (3 days gameplay marathon + 1 day of live playoffs) and contestants will basically try to play every game in IA in the allowed time with the best efficiency.

After the preparation period, the real challenge will begin!

The main GTS event will consist of 6 mini-tournaments in 6 weeks, which t are to be declared soon. Every week, applicants will try to collect the highest score in the given 3 days. The 8 highest scorers of each week, will compete among each other in our live weekly playoff rally for 2 hours. You will be able to watch this play-off on our Twitch Channel. The winner of each week will be qualified to compete in the grand finale of GTS in August.

Tournaments are also one of the token-burning mechanisms, which you’ll be able to use in Infinite Arcade forever. Therefore every applicant will need to pay a minor amount of TIC in order to participate in the tournament.

You can check the below image in order to have better insight.

The players who are in the top spots on the weekly leaderboards will earn substantial prizes as you can see in the image above. In addition to that, the #1 player of each week (Only in the main event, not in preparation tournaments) will reserve his/her spot in the grand finale of GTS. The last 2 finalists will be chosen among the second players of each week. The two best second scorers will be eligible to join the grand finals.

Where Do I Sign Up?

While we were designing GTS, we wanted every IA Enthusiast to be able to join the tournaments, not only Arcadians. Therefore, you don’t need to own an NFT to join the tournament. You only need to

  • Connect your wallet to our website
  • Fill in the registration form
  • Send the 30TIC entry fee before the registration period ends (you will find payment instructions for the entry fee in the form)
  • Connect your wallet to each game you want to play during the gameplay period and try your best!

Please note that you need to make a new registration for each week. Hence, the application form in the below link is only for the first eliminations. Forms for the further elimination tournaments will be shared on our Discord Community Server

==>You may register for the first week’s tournament HERE

You may find further week’s registration forms on our Discord Server. They will be announced regularly in the tournament announcement section.

How Does Scoring Works?

If you have completed the registration process, here starts the fun part.

First of all, we would like to remind you again that having an NFT or being a member of a partner guild does not give players an advantage over others.

After you have registered and paid the entry TIC fee, our team will announce every week’s contestants on Discord. After that, we will start tracking your gameplay for the duration given on the schedule. For example, the first week’s gameplay time will start on May 26 at 00:01 and it will end on May 28th 23:59.

During this time, our team will post leaderboards periodically during the day. This way, you will be able to track your progress.

Players will be scored according to the following criteria:

  • Active Play Time: Yes, you’ve read correctly! The more you play, the more points you will get. We will measure the time you actually play. Not the time game is left open or you spend watching ads.
  • Number of Games Played: We know, the number of games in IA increases each day but that’s another challenge… At the end of the allowed gameplay time, if you have tried all the games, you will get more points for this criteria. Remember, installing a game and just opening it, doesn’t work. You actually need to play the game for at least 1 hour during the whole 3-day marathon. Also, don’t forget to check if your wallet is connected. Otherwise, we cannot track your progress!
  • Level Success Rate: Here comes the tricky part! There are lots of levels in all of the IA games with various difficulty levels. This is where the skilled players will stand out! If you pass a level in fewer tries than other contestants, you will get higher points in this criteria. Since it will be difficult what others will do while you play, we suggest you try your best and see in the end how others did.
  • Level Completion Time: You thought speed won’t be an issue, right! We are sorry, it always is. For each level in any game, we will also track your level completion time. If you pass an easy level faster than others, you will get more points for this one. Of course, in some games, this will same for all players, but since you will try your best in all games, it will matter in some games.
  • Number of Days Played: Last but not least, your attendance and dedication are other factors in this tournament. If you are a hardcore mobile player, this one won’t be a problem for you. However, we would like all contestants to be active on both days. Therefore, you need to have at least 1 hour of active playtime each day. For example, if you played 70 mins on one day and 50 mins on the second day, you will only get points for the first day.

All these criteria have the same scoring weight for the Preparation Tournaments. So, we suggest you not focus on a specific one but all of them together. After the preparation period is over, we will listen to your feedback and improve any shortcomings if necessary.

What you should NOT do!

We are aware that some players like to test the limits of every system. We like that in our gamers but since this is a tournament, we need to level the competition field. Therefore we would like to remind you what not to do:

  • DON’T FORGET to check if your wallet is connected to IA every time you open a game. If your wallet is not connected, we cannot track your playtime!
  • DON’T use an Emulator ( Like Bluestacks or any other derivative)!
  • DON’T try to use an ad blocker DNS or an app on your mobile devices! Ads work as intended for the time being. We have some solutions coming up for competitive players!
  • DON’T even try to use a bot or a bot-like software like auto-clicker!
  • DON’T use a VPN service or anything similar!
  • DON’T try to repeat the levels you have played. If you do, your Level Success Rate would drop drastically.
  • DON’T try to open multiple sessions on different devices. Please keep playing with the same device through the whole gameplay period. If you have to change, inform our staff.
  • DON’T try to multitask with other NFTs on other devices if you use the same wallet address. You signup for the tournament with your wallet address, not with the NFT, which is not required for the tournament at all!
  • DON’T try to abuse anything in general!

Generally, trying shortcuts in such events is not a good idea.

Also, keep in mind, that our community rules are in effect during this event. Violation or stretching of the rules may result in bans starting from 5 weeks from IA and future in-guild tournaments.

You may ask us any question on our Discord. We will open a FAQ, chat, and announcement channel for the tournament series specifically.

What about Play-offs?

This is where things get intensive! After the gameplay marathon ends each week, we will announce the final leaderboard on Discord. However, that will not be the final ranking of the week. Since this is a new tournament system, we don’t want luck to be a major factor in the tournaments. In order to achieve that, we will gather the top 8 players of the week on discord live and let them share their screens. We will stream the gameplay of these 8 players live on Twitch and the final ranking will be decided in front of everyone.

Once a grand finalist is determined, that player is not allowed to join any other weekly elimination tournaments.

The scoring of this live event will basically be the same, however, it will be much shorter (1–2 hours) and consist of only the most played game/-s of the particular week.

The viewers will have the opportunity to see how masters play and to improve themselves.

Who knows, maybe rookies of the first week can become masters of other weeks!

If you have any questions, we are always on Discord!

Good luck to everyone!
IA Tournament Team

