Authenticated IO NFT Prints come to Ethereum

Starting today, you can verify your ownership and print Authenticated Infinite Objects of your favorite pieces on the Ethereum blockchain.

Joe Saavedra
Infinite Objects
4 min readApr 1, 2022


Last year we announced the first step towards allowing NFT owners to create Authenticated physicals from their NFT collection, the IO Artist Registry Smart Contract. Since Day 1, participation from Artists and Creators in deciding how we treat their IP has been critical to all IO offerings. Our Artist Registry allows artists and IP owners to grant printability permission to their collectors, set the price point for their prints, and collect a royalty on each physicalization of their work.

Today we close the loop and are releasing our “Print Your NFT” Web3 application for collectors on the Ethereum blockchain.

Owners of any NFT created by an artist who has signed our Artist Registry can now order an Authenticated physical of their token.

Hundreds of creators have signed the IO Artist Registry contract on Ethereum.

We’ve made the process of authenticating your ownership and customizing your print as simple as possible.

To order an Authenticated IO NFT Print, simply head to our Web3 app and then:

  1. Sign in with MetaMask or any wallet supported by WalletConnect.
  2. Select the NFT you’d like to print from the collection in your wallet.
  3. Select the size of your IO.
  4. Add to cart and check out! Pricing of Authenticated NFT prints are set by the creators via the Artist Registry contract.
How To: Order and Authenticated IO NFT Print

All Authenticated IO NFT Prints include a unique serial identifier in the form of a QR code that links the digital to the physical.

Being able to authenticate your ownership from the physical is equally exciting as enjoying your beautiful piece in IRL. When you scan the QR code, it will take you to the token on-chain, where you can see that YOU own this exact token.

Each Authenticated IO NFT Print features a unique QR code that links directly to your NFT on-chain.

I’m sure you’re asking yourself a few questions by now.

What happens if I sell my NFT on a secondary marketplace?

Great question. Our Authenticated NFT Prints will never replace the digital asset, which will always live on-chain. What you are holding is a physical replica that permanently references the exact token it represents. If you sell your NFT to a secondary collector, you’ll always have the physical to show off because you once owned and authenticated your ownership of that token. Scanning the QR code will now let you see how much you sold it for, how much you bought it for, and when it was minted — data that will always live on the blockchain.

The new owner will have the option to also print this NFT, however, their QR will be unique from yours. That’s because we are recording the “Print Edition” number that you are holding. Your QR represents “Print #1” of that exact NFT. In the future, we’ll surface this data and make your physical even more valuable.

But wait! I have full commercial or personal usage rights to many of the NFTs I own! Can I print those?

We’ve implemented an allow-list for collections that have granted NFT owners rights to commercial or personal use for display. Some of the NFTs available for printing on launch include: Bored Ape Yacht Club, Mutant Apes, and Kennel Club; Cryptopunks; World of Women; CloneX; Azuki; mfers; DeadFellaz; Cryptoadz; Doodles and Space Doodles; and many more. If you are unable to print an NFT you believe you have rights to, send a message to and we’ll enable that collection ASAP.

Does this mean you’re finally printing JPEGs and not just videos?

That’s right! JPEG NFTs are designed to be viewed in RGB colorspace, on a backlit display like your phone or laptop — not in CMYK printed on paper. This makes Infinite Objects the best way to view any digitally-native content. We also support GIF, PNG, and APNG NFTs.

You can find even more answers in our FAQ.

We are so excited to finally let collectors enjoy their NFT collection outside of the browser, in an authenticated and immutable design object.

This is just the latest step in our mission of turning digitally-native content into authenticated physicals for collectors and creators alike. There’s so much more to come, so follow us @infiniteobjects for many more announcements this Spring and Summer.

PS: If what we’re building is exciting to you — we’re hiring!

