4 Reasons why you should not ignore EOS

Infinite X
Infinite X
Published in
3 min readMar 27, 2019

As a blockchain outsourcing studio developing both on EOS and Ethereum, we encounter different types of businesses each day. Some of them are startups making a revolution in a specific industry, others are established companies trying to integrate the blockchain technology into their business case.

However, with the time passing, we start noticing 2 common patterns among them:

  • Businesses cared more about a specific blockchain they want to use instead of what they really need.
  • They were ignoring EOS due to all of the FUD they have read on social media.

We are blockchain agnostic, but we cannot ignore the potential of EOS.

That’s why we decided to prepare a short list of the 4 most important reasons why you should not ignore EOS too. They’re a result of our understanding what the business needs, combined with our extensive background in development for various blockchains.

1. EOS can provide what businesses and end-users want

We’re living in a competitive world where only the best succeed. And if you want to have a competitive advantage you need to play by the rules.

The rules are simple but powerful, and ignoring them won’t lead to anything good:

What business wants:

  • to reduce costs
  • to bring new users/clients
  • to make a profit
  • to be able to scale fast

What end-user wants:

  • to have a UX similar to a normal app
  • things to work fast without delays

So why it’s so important to play by the rules?

Users want everything to happen fast and to be simple. A blockchain will reach mass adoption once the normal users start using dApps without even knowing that behind the scenes is the blockchain technology.

Performance, UX and an easy onboarding process will generate users and retain them. More daily active users could potentially lead to more profit in the future.

Fortunately, EOS is the first blockchain that can provide what businesses and end-users want. In the long term that will shape the blockchain space making EOS a true leader regarding what people think of it.

2. EOS is developing faster than ever

Since its launch in June 2018, the network is developing with high speed. So fast that if you miss one week reading the news you’re already behind.

Thanks to the EOS community each week we’re witnessing new dApps and tools being launched. New solutions being invented making the usage of the network easier, faster and simpler.

They’re too much to share, but some of them are:

3. EOS is making history in blockchain every day

Only 9 months old (March 2019), EOS is already the most used blockchain in the world according to blocktivity:

Screenshot — March 27th, 2019

It’s the first carbon neutral blockchain with the most daily active users.

Screenshot — March 27th, 2019

According to the FCAS Score on CoinMarketCap EOS ranks as top 1 and China’s CCID Blockchain Ranking positioned EOS in the first place.

4. Closer to mass adoption than you think

With the amazing community behind EOS innovating all the time a blockchain network has never been so close to mass adoption as EOS.

Projects like Sense, Blankos, Emanate, Karma are already showing the true potential of the technology and now it’s a matter of time to reach the mass.

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Infinite X
Infinite X

evolve your business. | Enterprise Blockchain Solutions