Evaluating Large Language Models (LLMs): A Comprehensive Approach

Rania Fatma-Zohra Rezkellah
Published in
9 min readSep 26, 2024


The explosion of Large Language Models (LLMs), from GPT-3 to GPT-o1, has transformed the AI landscape. From virtual assistants to content generation systems, these models have enabled unprecedented capabilities across various industries. However, despite their widespread adoption, a key question remains: How do we rigorously evaluate the performance and effectiveness of LLM-powered applications?

Evaluation is not just about testing functionality on a few examples; it is about ensuring the model’s robustness, generalizability, and alignment with desired outcomes. This blog will synthesize insights from academic studies and industry benchmarks to present a comprehensive guide on LLMs evaluation.

Why LLM Evaluation is Crucial

LLMs are prone to generating plausible-sounding yet incorrect or nonsensical outputs (Bender et al., 2021). Depending on the application, they can exhibit biased behavior, hallucinations, or context failures, which can have serious implications. Therefore, evaluating LLMs is essential not only to measure accuracy but to ensure ethical and responsible deployment.

On a several note, and with the rise of applications in sensitive domains such as healthcare (He et al., 2023) and law (Lai et al., 2023), rigorous evaluation frameworks are necessary to ensure model reliability in high-stakes environments.

Evaluation Methods: A Closer Look

Evaluating Large Language Models and quantifying their performance remains an active area of research. Current approaches can be broadly categorized as:

  • Research benchmarks
  • Standard metrics
  • Human evaluation
  • LLM evaluation

1- Research Benchmarks

Benchmarks serve as a systematic tool for evaluating the capabilities of LLMs by providing a controlled environment for performance assessment. These benchmarks consist of predefined tasks or datasets that span a wide range of language understanding, generation, and reasoning challenges. The LLM’s performance is typically evaluated using a scoring system, generally a percentage score indicating the accuracy of its responses enabling direct comparison across different models.

Examples include:

  • MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding):

Evaluates LLMs across 57 tasks, spanning the humanities, STEM, and social sciences (Hendrycks et al., 2021). For scoring, it averages each model’s performance per category and then averages these four scores for a final score.

Hendrycks et al. evaluated various models on the MMLU benchmark in both few-shot and zero-shot settings, and the initial results from the paper are shown below.

Figure 01: MMLU tests on several LLMS

The MMLU team updates these tests each time and the new results are added to their Test Leaderboard .

  • SuperGLUE:

A popular benchmark for evaluating a range of natural language understanding tasks, including reading comprehension and question answering (Wang et al., 2019).

SuperGLUE offers a public leaderboard for evaluating language models. This leaderboard is always active with submissions and improvements.

Figure 02: SuperGLUE leaderboard results
  • HumanEval:

A benchmark designed specifically for evaluating code generation tasks (Chen et al., 2021). Results of the models’ performance comparison can be found here.

However, it’s important to note that while these benchmarks offer a quantitative measure of general performance, they often fail to capture the nuances of specific, real-world use cases (Raffel et al., 2020). They also don’t account for performance variability across different user interactions or edge cases, which can arise during deployment.

2. Standard NLP Metrics

NLP evaluation metrics offer a quantitative way to assess LLM-generated outputs (Chang et al., 20

  • BLEU (Bilingual Evaluation Understudy): Commonly used in machine translation tasks, BLEU evaluates how closely an LLM-generated text matches human references by measuring n-gram overlap (Papineni et al., 2002). Despite its popularity, BLEU has been criticized for its inability to fully capture semantic meaning, especially for more open-ended tasks like text generation (Callison-Burch et al., 2006).
  • ROUGE (Recall-Oriented Understudy for Gisting Evaluation): Frequently used in text summarization tasks, ROUGE measures the overlap of n-grams, words, or sentences between generated summaries and reference summaries (Lin, 2004). However, like BLEU, it tends to prioritize lexical similarity over semantic accuracy, which can limit its utility for more complex evaluation needs (Zhong et al., 2020).
  • F1 Score: Useful in classification tasks, the F1 score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall. In tasks like question answering, this score captures how many generated answers correctly match the expected answers (Rajpurkar et al., 2018). While effective in structured tasks, the F1 score can be limited for unstructured tasks like creative writing or multi-turn conversations.

More metrics can be found here in this paper (Chang et al., 2024)

Despite the prevalence of these metrics, recent research has highlighted their limitations in adequately evaluating LLMs. For example, models that perform well on BLEU or ROUGE may still produce text that lacks fluency or factuality (Holtzman et al., 2020). This calls for more sophisticated, context-aware evaluation approaches.

3. Human Evaluation: The Gold Standard

Human evaluation remains the most reliable method for assessing LLM-generated outputs, especially for subjective measures like coherence, relevance, and factuality (Bisk et al., 2020). Human annotators assess the quality of outputs on various scales, making this method indispensable for capturing nuances that automated metrics may overlook.

However, as noted in some studies such as (Chang et al., 2024), Human evaluation, while valuable, presents several challenges including:

  • Subjectivity: Different evaluators may have different interpretations of what constitutes a “good” output.
  • Scalability: Manually evaluating thousands of LLM outputs is not feasible in large-scale systems.
  • Cost: Hiring skilled human evaluators can significantly raise evaluation expenses, especially when repeated evaluations are necessary.

4. LLM as a Judge: Automating Evaluation

A promising direction in LLM evaluation is to use LLMs themselves as evaluators, commonly referred to as LLM-as-a-judge. This approach automates the evaluation process, offering a scalable alternative to human assessment (Zheng et al., 2024).

Figure 03: Human VS LLMs Evaluation

To confirm the level of agreement between human annotators and LLM judges, the Databricks team sent answer sheets (grading scale 0–3) from gpt-3.5-turbo and vicuna-33b to a labeling company to collect human labels, and then compared the result with GPT-4’s grading output. The findings show that human and GPT-4 judges can reach above 80% agreement on the correctness and readability score.

Figure 04: Human vs GPT-4 Grading Alignments for GPT3.5 answers

However, there are critical limitations to this “LLM as a judge” technique:

  • Reliability: The quality of an LLM’s evaluation depends on the quality of the LLM itself, which can be inconsistent.
  • Bias Inheritance: Since LLMs are trained on data that may contain biases, their evaluations can reflect those biases (Gehman et al., 2020).
  • Interpretability: Unlike human evaluators, LLMs may lack transparency in their decision-making processes, which can make it difficult to interpret the rationale behind their assessments.

Developing a Comprehensive Evaluation Framework

Developing a comprehensive evaluation framework for LLMs involves more than applying traditional benchmarks or metrics. It requires a multi-faceted approach that accounts for the specific goals, tasks, and deployment environments of the LLM-based application. To illustrate this, let’s look at a detailed case study involving LLMs integration into a customer service chatbot system.

Case Study: Evaluating a Customer Service Chatbot

A large e-commerce company aims to deploy an LLM-based chatbot to handle customer inquiries, ranging from order tracking to product recommendations. To ensure that the chatbot performs reliably, a comprehensive evaluation framework is designed, integrating benchmark evaluation, human evaluation, and system-level performance testing.

1. Benchmark Evaluation

The first phase of the evaluation involves using standardized benchmarks such as SQuAD and MMLU. These benchmarks measure the LLM’s performance in answering factual questions and understanding language tasks. By setting a quantitative baseline, the company can assess the chatbot’s ability to generate accurate and contextually appropriate responses. However, since these benchmarks focus on general tasks, they need to be supplemented with specific metrics tailored to the chatbot’s unique role in customer service.

2. Human Evaluation

Next, human evaluators are involved in assessing the chatbot’s interactions in real-world customer scenarios. Evaluators test the chatbot for relevance, politeness, and accuracy when responding to customer inquiries. They create various edge cases — such as vague questions or emotional customers — to see how well the chatbot maintains coherence and provides helpful information. Structured evaluation rubrics are used to reduce subjectivity and ensure consistent assessments.

3. System-Level Performance Testing

Beyond just language comprehension, the chatbot’s effectiveness depends on its interaction with backend systems like order tracking and recommendation engines. System-level performance tests evaluate metrics such as response time, system reliability, and the accuracy of information provided during high-traffic periods (e.g., Black Friday sales). This ensures that the chatbot can maintain both linguistic accuracy and operational efficiency in real-world, high-stress environments.

4. LLM Evaluation Tools

Finally, frameworks like Trulens can be integrated to automate and enhance the evaluation process. These tools provide continuous monitoring and analysis, tracking the chatbot’s performance on key customer interaction metrics. By identifying bottlenecks or inconsistencies, these frameworks help the company refine the chatbot, ensuring it delivers a reliable and satisfying customer experience.


Evaluating Large Language Models is a multifaceted process that requires the combination of quantitative metrics, human judgment, and task-specific considerations. While standardized benchmarks and metrics provide a solid foundation for assessing general performance, they often fall short in capturing the nuanced requirements of real-world applications. This necessitates a more holistic and comprehensive approach to evaluation, one that combines various methods for a well-rounded understanding of LLM capabilities.

Beyond the LLM itself, it is crucial to acknowledge that performance is shaped by more than just the model. Factors such as prompt engineering, fine-tuning data, and auxiliary systems like retrieval and embedding models in RAG applications play a significant role in the final outcome. A comprehensive evaluation must therefore extend beyond the model to assess the interaction of these elements within the application as a whole.

Moreover, the emergence of LLM evaluation frameworks like RAGAs and Trulens has introduced automated methods to streamline the evaluation process. These tools offer task-specific metrics and allow for more efficient assessments, particularly in large-scale applications where manual evaluations can be resource-intensive. By leveraging these frameworks, developers can better understand and optimize the overall system, leading to more accurate and reliable LLM-powered solutions.

In conclusion, an effective evaluation strategy for LLM-based applications involves a multi-layered approach that accounts for not just the model but the entire system it operates within. Combining standardized metrics, human evaluation, and advanced frameworks will provide a more holistic and actionable understanding of an LLM’s true potential in practical settings.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to the InfinitGraph team or directly to me 🤞 simply via:

Email : jf_rezkellah@esi.dz Or LinkedIn: Rezkellah Rania Fatmazohra


Bender, E. M., et al. (2021). “On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots: Can Language Models Be Too Big?.”

Lai, J., Gan, W., Wu, J., Qi, Z., & Yu, P. S. (2023). Large language models in law: A survey. arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.03718.

He, K., Mao, R., Lin, Q., Ruan, Y., Lan, X., Feng, M., & Cambria, E. (2023). A survey of large language models for healthcare: from data, technology, and applications to accountability and ethics. arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05694.

Hendrycks, D., et al. (2021). “Measuring Massive Multitask Language Understanding.”

Wang, A., Pruksachatkun, Y., Nangia, N., Singh, A., Michael, J., Hill, F., … & Bowman, S. (2019). Superglue: A stickier benchmark for general-purpose language understanding systems. Advances in neural information processing systems, 32.

Papineni, K., et al. (2002). “BLEU: a Method for Automatic Evaluation of Machine Translation.”

Zhong, M., et al. (2020). “A Closer Look at Data Bias in NLP Models.”

Chen, M., et al. (2021). “Evaluating Large Language Models Trained on Code.”

Chang, Y., Wang, X., Wang, J., Wu, Y., Yang, L., Zhu, K., … & Xie, X. (2024). A survey on evaluation of large language models. ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology, 15(3), 1–45.

Zheng, L., Chiang, W. L., Sheng, Y., Zhuang, S., Wu, Z., Zhuang, Y., … & Stoica, I. (2024). Judging llm-as-a-judge with mt-bench and chatbot arena. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.



Rania Fatma-Zohra Rezkellah

AI MSc student @Paris Dauphine | AI MSc graduate | Computer Science Engineer @ESI Algiers | NLP enthusiast