Blockchain Investing: Then and Now

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6 min readSep 5, 2019

In 2017, cryptocurrency started to be recognized as an attractive new means of investing by mass communities. Since then, amidst the few successful and actual working projects, much of the industry has been plagued with incidents of scams, price volatility, and projects failing to deliver promises. However, things are still looking up for the cryptosphere: Bitcoin’s trading volume is still going strong and market price is maintaining a fairly bullish momentum. Regardless of mainstream skepticism in the viability of cryptocurrency, world-leading companies are still very positive about the real-world application of blockchain tech, evident with developments such as Facebook’s own cryptocurrency Libra, Samsung releasing its own blockchain SDK for DApp developers, and more.

Today, cryptocurrency remains a very attractive investment tool for anyone looking for new means of making money. Unlike the traditional stocks and real estate, you can make small investments in few or even hundreds of different currencies, and generally, gains are made much faster as it takes little time to buy and sell bought assets. If you are an investor who believes in blockchain, you can also invest in new tokens to show support for decentralized projects that aims to enable long-term sustainability of the technology and produce practical use cases to solve real-world problems.

Investing in Blooming Token Projects

Traditionally, investors took part in ICOs (Initial Coin Offering) where a company sells its native token to early supporters through their own channels. Buying is done by the investor sending their crypto to the project’s official blockchain address. Due to the anonymous nature of blockchain and the shaky nature of young projects, however, ICO investing has long been rife with scandals of scams — from malicious actors tricking investors to steal funds to the projects themselves bailing after reaching their fundraising goals. This soon gave rise to crypto rating agencies who help investors evaluate the value of blooming projects.

To further combat the issue of fraud as well as alleviate difficulties in fundraising operations, Token Sales platforms were developed to both allow companies to easily issue and distribute their own tokens and facilitate sales but also for global investors to access a professionally audited pool of token projects. Some of these platforms, such as Holdex, are developed as decentralized applications (DApps) and work using the robust technology of smart contracts to allow for automated and fully compliant token sales. Soon, such platforms became the go-to place for businesses and consumers alike to take part in the sales of digital assets.

There is also another form of token investing that is gaining prominence called “Initial Exchange Offering” (IEO). This is where the sales of a new token is supervised by a crypto exchange and available only to users of that specific exchange. This method of sales relieves effort for token issuers as the exchanges take care of marketing and market making to help token price behave healthily. For investors, this is also a less risky way of investing as listed projects must pass rigorous audits and standards set by such trading platforms. The downside of IEOs, however, is that token price is heavily controlled by exchanges instead of trader community; therefore falsely inflating the hopes and expectations of investors about the token projects’ value.

Securing Invested Tokens in a Safe Wallet

Purchased tokens need to be stored in a secure crypto wallet. Web and mobile wallets are the most-used kinds of wallet since they offer great convenience and a wide range of functionality. Web wallets are accessible from any device — mobile, tablet, or desktop — with an Internet connection. This unfortunately also means that they are more prone to hacks. Meanwhile, mobile wallets are downloadable applications downloadable to your phone or tablet and can additionally be used as cold wallets if you turn your device offline. These wallet apps have quickly become the go-to choice for crypto users due to better security and the fact that apps tend to boast better user experience on mobile, the modern world’s most populated platform.

Initially, the distinct advantage web wallets have over mobile ones is that they can be used in conjunction with DApps, most of which are of Web3 standard. Mobile wallets are quick to catch up, however. Most prominent mobile wallets today feature built-in DApp browsers that allow for seamless interaction between the apps and the user’s wallet funds. Not only that, but an increasing number of developers are also building DApps not using Web3 standard but as iOS and Android applications which can be easily connected to by mobile DApp browsers instead of web ones.

Token Sales Platform DApp on a Mobile Wallet — The Best of Both Worlds

Since consumers in general much prefer using the simplified mobile applications instead of navigating through web-based interfaces, accessing a reputable ICO/STO platform DApp via a secure mobile wallet is one of the most convenient ways to invest in token offerings. Investors can additionally start trading their invested assets conveniently once the tokens become tradable through official exchange listing if the exchange is supported/integrated in the wallet which is common for DEX & instant platforms. From the perspective of token issuers, providing a seamless token investing experience is a great means to tap into the global audience of investors who use mobile wallet apps.

This is the key strategy behind the partnership between the rising decentralized token sales platform Holdex and the leading mobile wallet player, Infinito Wallet. Through a single wallet application, crypto enthusiasts can easily invest in numerous verified token offerings on Holdex platform and keep all crypto assets safe and sound right on their everyday phone. Afterwards, investors can also conveniently trade the tokens they bought on popular trading platforms, as Infinito Wallet also supports numerous exchange DApps — both DEX and instant — on their built-in browser. The universal wallet app, which has amassed over 70,000 monthly active users so far, supports eight languages — English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Vietnamese, French, and Korean — many of which are huge consumer markets for token sales. Therefore, token projects on Holdex can effectively reach out to a truly global audience of crypto enthusiasts.

Holdex is currently featured on Infinito Wallet as a multi-platform DApp for token issuers and investors.

About Infinito

Infinito aims to create a perfect blockchain experience for users, applications, and developers through its product Ecosystem which includes Infinito Wallet, Infinito App Square, Infinito Blockchain Platform, and InfinitoPAY.

A professional team of 50 experts behind Infinito Wallet, App Square, Infinito Blockchain Platform, and soon, InfinitoPAY with intensive experience in blockchain technology including technical developers and researchers, business and marketing executives, designers, quality control engineers, and customer service officers. Registered in 80 Robinson Road, #08–01, Singapore 068898, registration number 201900666E.

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An ecosystem of blockchain applications and services for users, developers and business