Guide: Migrating from Alta Wallet to another Wallet App

Published in
4 min readJun 16, 2018

This article aims to help you migrate safely from Alta Wallet to another wallet app. Here, Infinito Wallet is used as the example. If you wish to choose an alternative wallet, the same procedures can be applied. Just follow these three simple steps!

Step 1: Backup Your Passphrase on Alta Wallet

On your Alta Wallet dashboard, expand the Menu sidebar and select Backup. Hit Start Backup to initiate the process.

Figure 1 — Menu

Figure 2 — Backup page

You will be shown your wallet’s 12-word passphrase. It is recommended that you write it down in the correct order shown (Figure 3 & 4) and keep it somewhere secure. This way, your unique passphrase will be virtually uncompromisable.

If you have multiple wallets on Alta Wallet, please back them up individually as each wallet has its own unique passphrase.

Figure 3 — Show passphrase page

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Step 2: Restore Your Wallet

Android users —

For Those New to Infinito Wallet

For first-time users, download Infinito Wallet from Google Play or App Store. Set up your application (choose the language, read and accept the Terms and Conditions) and you will arrive at the window shown below, asking if you wish to Create a new wallet or Restore an existing one. Select Restore Your Wallet.

Figure 5 — Create / Restore Wallet page

For Existing Users

For existing Infinito Wallet users, expand the Menu sidebar and select Add Wallet (Figure 6), to access the option to Restore Your Wallet in Figure 5.

Figure 6 — Add Wallet menu

Step 3: Input Your Passphrase

After having chosen a name for your wallet, you will be prompted to input its recovery passphrase. It is the same passphrase as the one from your Alta Wallet.

Finally, you will be asked to input the password again. Hit Finish to complete the process.

Figure 7 — Input new wallet name page

Figure 8 — Input your passphrase page

Figure 9 — Input your password page

Afterwards, please check your wallet balance to confirm your successful wallet migration. Should there be any issues, please feel free to contact Infinito Wallet’s support team at

If you choose to migrate to another wallet instead of Infinito Wallet, the same general steps can be taken, albeit on different interfaces. Please follow their respective flow and input your passphrase appropriately!


Positioning as a leading universal wallet for crypto users, Infinito Wallet serves as a gateway for users to maximize usage and potentials of their cryptocurrencies. By selectively expanding our partner network, Infinito Wallet aims to build an ecosystem of practical blockchain services including exchanges, ID/KYC solutions, and other blockchain-related business services. At the same time, we help support communities of developers and businesses with an open blockchain infrastructure of technologies and compliant-ready services, so that they can seamlessly build, launch, and operate innovative products and services efficiently.

Infinito Wallet’s core development team of blockchain R&D experts has intensive professional experience. Currently, our organization consists of more than 300 members including developers, designers, business and marketing specialists. We are promoting research on infrastructure for cryptocurrencies and developers utilizing blockchain.




An ecosystem of blockchain applications and services for users, developers and business