Welcome to Infinitude Engineering

A world class team with world class engineering.

Jesse Stevens
Infinitude News
3 min readJun 27, 2016


Welcome to the official engineering blog of Infinitude. Over the next 4 or so months our engineering team will be giving you an insight into everything engineering at Infinitude. This is the space to watch before we leave for Texas as we will be announcing some BIG things. The objective of the blog is to keep everyone informed of the progress of the engineering at Infinitude.

Now let’s introduce to you our world class engineering team.

Jesse Stevens — Design Engineer

Jesse is the manager of the engineering division at Infinitude. Jesse is a very determined character who spends endless hours working on engineering an intricate and efficient car for Infinitude. He is a very logical thinker who makes sure that everything he engineers is to the best of standard and to the best of his ability. Jesse works very hard with Luke to make sure Infinitude have the most efficient car at the world finals. Another one of Jesse’s priorities is making sure the physical geometry of the car is as close to the computer geometry during the CAM, finishing and assembly of the car.

Luke Battjes — Innovations Engineer

Just like Jesse, Luke spends hours a week working on making an efficient car for the world finals. Luke primary focus is to make sure every component of the car is efficient whilst practical. Luke’s out of the box thinking as well as his anything is possible mindset allow the team to engineer components that others said was impossible. Luke is also responsible for the engineering of the LERS. Luke’s great understanding of physics as well as chemistry gives our team a massive advantage in our quest to have the best engineered design.

Will Clifton — Structural Engineer

Will’s extensive knowledge of materials and structural integrity makes him the perfect person to engineer the structure for both the pit display and car related items. Will has many years of experience in the F1 in schools Challenge underneath his belt. His experience matched with his passion for engineering have made our engineering team stronger and has added new skills with new programs. Will’s extensive knowledge and understanding of additive CAM process, allowing him to understand the best way to 3D print components as well as build the best Trade Display to market Infinitude at the World Final.

We all work together to make the best engineered design along with creating industry collaboration and links to make sure everything made Infinitude Engineering is to world standard. Our engineering team strives for the best as it was shown at the national final, where both teams whitewashed the engineering awards at the Australian National Final. Together our engineering team won 4 awards at one of the toughest and closest National Finals on the planet. Best Engineered Car, Best Engineered CAD, Highest Scoring vehicle (Grand Prix) and Best Team Marketing are just some of the awards Infinitude Engineering has to add to its exponentially growing portfolio of awards. Our National Championship winning engineering team’s success is based around hard work. As Thomas Edison said “there is no substitution for hard work.” We can assure you over the past months we have been working harder than ever towards one common goal. We are hard work, we are Infinitude Engineering.

Innovations changing nations. Infinitude Engineering, a sub-division of Infinitude Australia

