All Aboard The INF Express

Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech
Published in
4 min readSep 13, 2018

Infinitus’ main quest is to preserve access to your crypto-wallet, thus avoiding the loss of your crypto assets. This is one of the blockchain’s biggest issues and we’ve taken on the task of solving it. We did! But our quest goes beyond that because the uses of Infinitus stretch outside the boundaries of the blockchain. In other words, Infinitus can be used for various other tasks than just safeguarding your private keys and this article will showcase a few examples.

Scenario #1

Grandmothers — well known for their great cooking, storytelling and loving arms… but not so much for their exceptional memory. Father Time is catching up with us all and eventually, our grandmothers will need help remembering things, whether we’re talking about their bank account number, credit card PIN, a story from their young days or a collection of their favorite cooking recipes.

Of course, any grandmother will have her recipes written down on a trusty ol’ paper notebook and I don’t expect her to go full blockchain-mode before starting to cook pancakes or bake a cake. But what happens if she loses that notebook? She’ll be devastated, especially if the old age prevents her from remembering any of the stuff inside. It may not mean so much to you but for your grandmother, her cooking recipes are… like crypto is to you: Majorly important!

Same for a story from her young days: the details get blurry after all those years, so why not preserve it in an Infinitus repository and make sure she always remembers the story clearly. And if you’re wondering how much text you can store inside an INF repository, the max is 1MB. Of course, that may not seem like much but this entire article is about 15KB, so you do the math. I’d say that you have enough room for a story, a few 5-star recipes, not to mention bank account numbers and other personal information. And besides, nobody is limiting you at one repository; you can have as many as you like.

Scenario #2

Value is determined by the owner; in other words, you decide how to use your Infinitus (INF) Smart Designation Repository, whether it’s for your crypto, your grandma’s recipes or even to help you remember your wedding vows. I am not saying that everyone should start storing their vows on the blockchain, I am just saying that everyone can do it, if they so choose.

People tend to forget stuff and that’s why they write down things they deem important enough. Anything that’s worth writing down is worth protecting with Infinitus, mainly because it’s the safest way and secondarily because it’s so cheap that anyone can afford it (1 INF = $0.24). So when you write down your wedding vows, why not store them on the blockchain as well. Maybe in a few years, you will forget your promises and lose the paper they’re written on. It doesn’t seem like much now, but after 20 years of marriage, it will be an awesome trip down memory lane.

Scenario #3

A message in a bottle. You can store a message for someone and set it up so the person receives it at a later date, decided by you. Maybe you don’t want that message to be stored on your computer, or maybe you just want to write it and not sure if you want to send it. Of course, this one is like an open ended use for Infinitus because the type of message can differ a lot depending on the person. For example, a couple of years back I’ve heard about a guy who sold all his possessions, including phone, computer, house and everything and went around the world on a bike. Now I have no idea if that story is true or not, but with Infinitus that guy could have let his family know he’s alright even without a phone. Simply key in “I’m fine” and use multiple repositories, with different recipients (wife, mother, brother, etc.). Set the inactivity period to whatever you see fit and ditch the phone. The smart contract will let everyone know you’re fine.

Blockchain dApp For Non-Blockchain Users

If you need Infinitus to protect your crypto assets, you can use it for that. If you need it to help remember something of importance to you or your loved ones, that’s a valid use as well. It’s a versatile tool that can be employed by both crypto enthusiasts and people who don’t even own crypto. Simply install the mobile app, buy INF straight from there and store what you need. These are but just a few ways INF can help. Share with us if you can think of more.



Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech

Building a Smart Designation Repository for the safeguarding of digital assets