Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech
Published in
4 min readMay 9, 2019


Infinitus Rewards Its Users. Rewards Incoming!

Infinitus successfully solved the problem of lost private keys by creating the first-ever decentralized Vault that makes it possible to store sensitive private information on the blockchain. We aimed to distribute 80% of all INF tokens and with your help we’ve achieved a lot more than that: during our ICO, we distributed 92%, which is a resounding success. But maybe more importantly, this wide distribution creates a scalable and self-sustainable decentralized network benefiting all stakeholders because decentralized networks benefit from an increased number of users — the more users a network has, the more valuable the technology becomes and security increases exponentially.

As a Thank You and because we want to continue to grow the INF network, we are setting up an Infinitus Rewards Program that will automatically credit into your INF App every month. Read below to get all the details.

Infinitus Airdrops — All You Need To Know

Infinitus (INF) is now listed on the LA Token, Kyber Network, Unidax and on Bitkub (one of only 3 Thai exchanges to be issued a licence by the Thailand Security Exchange Commission) and is being actively traded everyday. We want to take it all to the next level and to increase adoption by rewarding active INF Network Nodes as follows:

· Start date: 8th of May 2019

· Allocated INF Credits: 8,000,000

· Duration: 18 months or when the 8 million INF Credits are given out completely, whichever comes first

· Monthly Rewards Amount: Total Number of App Downloads Divided by Total Number of Eligible Nodes. These numbers can be checked within the INF Mobile App (Android and iOS)

· Delivery method: Rewards will be credited through Infinitus mobile app

· Eligibility : Active Infinitus mobile app users with a verified email and a minimum of 88 INF in INF mobile app.

What all the above means is that in order to participate in the reward program you will have to hold at least 88 INF Credits in your active Infinitus mobile app (INF Credit can be easily purchased from the mobile app using PayPal/credit card or obtained by referring friends and through other methods outlined in our FAQ).

This staking mechanism that allows you to benefit from monthly rewards without doing anything other than storing a small amount of INF. And this is not a one-off because you will keep getting rewards monthly for 18 months, assuming you “stake” at least 88 INF. Also, Special Rewards and Incentives programs will run in-app from time to time and you will be able to get even more INF Rewards by referring a friend.

To get an idea of how much you can “earn”, we can use this example: There are a total of 112,962 network nodes available, with 33,276 active users and 981 INF Network Nodes Eligible for Rewards Pool Sharing of 112,962 INF tokens. To get an estimate we need to divide the Total Number of App Downloads (112,962) by the Total Number of Eligible Nodes (981), which yields us the result 115.149. This is the amount you can get each month — for just holding your INF on the mobile app.

But there’s more: since the number of Monthly INF Reward Credits is pegged to the Total Number of INF Network Nodes, it means that the more App Downloads, the more INF Rewards. Assuming the Total App Downloads number goes up to 150,000 and dividing that by the Total Number of Eligible Nodes (which we will keep at 981 for this example), we get the result 152.905. Considering that more and more people are downloading the app as we speak, the rewards are likely to go higher.

The exact number of INF network nodes (app downloads) and eligible nodes can be checked on the mobile app; just check in the app, the number of eligible nodes is visible on the <INF Reward> tab and you will know exactly how much you can earn.

We’ve designed the whole process to be easy and without special requirements. We don’t want you to go through hoops to get some extra tokens, we just want to reward you for being an active part of the INF Network. This ultimately means is that you don’t have to do anything to keep the Network Node live. Simply keep the app on, on your mobile phone and the Network Node will be automatically “activated”.

To sum it all up: buy at least 88 INF Credits using the INF Mobile App (or obtain them using the alternate methods outlined in our FAQ) and keep the app on your phone. As long as you have at least 88 INF Credits in your app, you will earn monthly rewards as described above for the coming 18 months or until the large pool of 8,000,000 INF is depleted. The INF Reward Credits will be shared equally among all live and active INF Network Nodes on the 8th day of each month. Your node is “live and active” without any action required from your part other than keeping the app on your phone.

So go ahead and set up your mobile app if you haven’t already and enjoy the Monthly Reward on top of having the luxury of extra-safe private keys. Rewards starts 8 May 2019!



Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech

Building a Smart Designation Repository for the safeguarding of digital assets