Official Launch of Infinitus’ New Logo — Blockchain Inside, Beauty Outside

Teresa T
Infinitus Tech
Published in
3 min readJun 26, 2018

“Continue to grow and evolve.” Mahatma Gandhi

Growth and evolution are core beliefs of Infinitus and that’s why we’ve decided to change our logo to better express what we’re all about and to appeal to more types of wallet users. We are planning to stay in the game for a long time and on the great road that we have ahead of us, we will not be afraid to fine-tune, improve and even change the things that we are not 100% satisfied with. Staying true to that belief, today we are more than ready to share the story behind the change.

Out With The Old…

The initial logo was an Infinity sign, sometimes called a lemniscate, which symbolizes that our service is continuous, without end and, that your private keys will always come back to you — it’s a loop so what goes around and comes back around. In other words, if you start at any given point of the symbol, you will eventually reach the same point.

This fits our doctrine and is exactly what we want to convey but it turns out the Infinity sign is way overused and doesn’t give us enough individuality, thus rebranding was inevitably needed.

At this point in time, we were approached by ACRE; one of the top branding agencies in Asia. The client list of ACRE is impressive to say the least, including major entities from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC). To name just a few: CIMB Bank, Singapore Management University, UOL Group Limited and the Singapore Institute of Architects, as well as Vechain and their website.

We have been spotted because they liked our concept and the way we apply blockchain to solve a real–life problem and offered to help us recreate our visual identity including our new logo and new website, which is going to be launched soon. It was the beginning of a wonderful collaboration.

…In With The New

Our new logo, designed by ACRE is based on a Möbius band — a surface with only one side and only one edge. If you were walking along a Mobius band, you would need to cover both sides of the band before reaching the point of origin and this emphasizes our meticulousness regarding everything related to Infinitus: all options will be explored to find the best solution and we will not cut any corners. To reach our goal we will walk the long path and at the same time, we will not lose our way as indicated by the middle white line, which symbolizes a track, a rail to keep us focused on our goal — to deliver a top-tier product.

The Möbius strip also suggests perpetuity, without using the common Infinity symbol. Eventually you will reach the spot where you started, just how your private data will always reach the point where it started: in your possession

Basically, the new logo has the same meaning as the Infinity sign but it’s more fluid, less common and highlights our credo better: your digital assets will never get lost. There are no bifurcations, no crossroads where the data could take another path. It will inevitably go back to its origin — You!

