The Journey And The Human Side

Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech
Published in
4 min readSep 4, 2018
The Infinitus Team

“What if…” — this is usually the embryonic question that later develops into a full scale project, with real world application. It all begins as a spark in the minds of the people who start the ride and vouch to take that project from the state of idea, all the way to completion. That moment when the idea takes shape is the “Big Bang” of any project and today I want to offer you a glimpse into the inception of Infinitus, a look behind the curtains and into the reasons that made us embark on this journey.


Back in September 2017, Eric and Iwere having coffee in Katong one morning when we had our “What if…” moment. What if we would launch an ICO; after all, there was an ICO craze last year July 2017 when a certain Singapore ICO made headlines in the crypto world and then Bitcoin went past the $10,000 mark. We figured why not launch our own ICO too. Of course, we had such a “brilliant” idea… to do an ICO of ICOs…like a fund of funds concept… the best, the biggest. How original, right…?

Thankfully, that idea was quickly purged out of our minds and we realized that wasn’t our true “What if…” moment. We simply wanted to do an ICO but didn’t have an idea that we would fully embrace and stand by. And so, we went on researching, surveying and interviewing people in the crypto and blockchain world and we realized that there is a problem in the crypto community that brought about much distress and uncertainty. That problem was the loss of private keys. Whilst there were a lot of ways to safeguard one’s private keys, none of them were bulletproof and none of them relied on blockchain technology.

That’s when our true “What if…” moment came about: What if we would bring a blockchain solution to this blockchain problem. Now we finally had an idea that could develop into a real world application, so it was time to start our work: we started searching for the tech solution, putting together a team and after months of hard work, we came up with Infinitus.

Sticking To The Roadmap

The journey is still far from over but we have a working product, the public sale is live on Gibraltar Blockchain Exchange (GBX) Grid and we are right on schedule according to our Roadmap:

1) Our Android app is available for download on the Google Play store and the IOS app is expected to be ready by end September.

2) We have completed the Buy Token function on the app and now working on the Send Token function which allows the users to deliver the INF tokens directly to the crypto exchanges and also to another INF mobile app.

3) We have lined up several marketing plans and campaigns from August to December. For the month of September: we will be at the:

a. Blockchain without Borders Summit in NYC — Signing ceremony with Liaoyuan and Xing Huo.

b. China International Fair for Investment and Trade (CIFIT) in Xiamen. The largest government related investment conference in China.

Keynote speaker for INF blockchain based decentralised app showcase

c. World Blockchain Forum in Jeju Island , Korea. Expected to have a crowd of 2500 with renowned speakers all over the world.

Keynote Speaker for INF dApp showcase

d. IFPHK — Annual Financial Planning Association Conference in Hong Kong and Macau. Panel Speaker for Blockchain Technology in wealth management.

How are you marketing to non-crypto users?

Our mobile app is easily accessible through the Google Play store and Apple Store, just like any regular mobile app. The user interface is easy to use for the regular Joe on the street and we are attending many global events for both the crypto community and the mainstream crowd. Although private key protection is meant to serve primarily crypto users, Infinitus is so much more than that because it can store any type of password, PIN and even short text. I am sure that anyone would want an unhackable way to store a master password or a very important text that can be accessible only to a certain person. In that regard, Infinitus merges blockchain with the lives of non-crypto users.

How do you expect to grow from pre-revenue to a 10m-100m revenue company?

1) INF mobile app is a must-have application that complements any type of crypto wallet or digital wallet.

2) We are solving a real and existing problem in the community and there is a real use case for the dApp.

3) As the demand for crypto currency grows and the number of users increases, so does the demand for the protection of their wallets and passwords. INF takes away the uncertainty of losing your private keys. It is almost like getting an insurance plan for your crypto assets.

4) The cost to value ratio is very low and affordable (1 INF Token = $0.24) for every user in every market, whether a mature market like USA or an emerging market like Indonesia and Thailand. We cater to the mass market crowd at a value that is unbeatable.

The Future

We have nurtured Infinitus from idea-stage to a working blockchain application with real world use. It all started on a sunny morning, over coffee and continued with countless late nights of work, thousands of hours put in by the entire team combined and so much more to come. Our work is not done and a hard road still lies in front of us but we will happily tackle all the obstacles because Infinitus is not only our responsibility, but our passion.



Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech

Building a Smart Designation Repository for the safeguarding of digital assets