What You Can Store With 1000 Characters

Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech
Published in
4 min readSep 28, 2018

Our digital life revolves around online accounts for different services and websites, all of which require personalized access credentials. In plain words: passwords! Correspondingly, this means that passwords are one of the most important possession we have when it comes to our time spent online so, needless to say that we need to keep them safe. Infinitus is here to make losing passwords and private keys a thing of the past, but that is not the only thing it can store. Have you considered what else you can keep safe?

A Jack Of All Trades

The original goal of Infinitus has been to protect your passwords and private keys by fragmenting, replicating, encrypting and distributing the data across a peer to peer network of nodes. When a predetermined event would take place, the Ethereum Smart Contract that powers Infinitus would retrieve the data and send it to a designated receiver.

Although our main objective remains the protection of your passwords and private keys needed to access your crypto-wallets, Infinitus (INF) can do so much more, as it can function as a repository for your information or even as a tool to send messages when you are not able to send messages through traditional methods. Don’t worry, I’ll explain all that, but first let’s talk facts and costs.

With the use of the INF mobile app, you can store up to 1,000 characters, which is about as many words as you’ve read so far in this article. That’s quite a lot of text that you can store and before you tell me that you can simply use a text editor like Microsoft Word, please understand that we are talking about blockchain storage, so if you’re planning on storing your grocery list, then yea, go for a plain text editor. On the other hand, if you need to make sure the text is always protected, then use the INF mobile app.

In case you are concerned about the character limit, you must know that one INF token opens and controls one blockchain repository (vault for 1,000 characters). At only $0.24 per token, you could write a book and store it on the blockchain for 10 bucks — I’m exaggerating, of course, but you get the picture: it’s really cost effective to store as much text as you need and efficiently spread all the info across multiple repositories.

Have Something Important To Store? Use Infinitus.

What can be considered important enough to store in a text vault? Hmm, let me think about it… maybe all your ID information? Remember that only you and the person you designate can access the information, so you don’t need to worry about ID theft and you can store basically everything that’s on your documents, except pictures. Your social security number, ID number, issue date and expiration date — of course, depending on what country you are in, you will be storing different information because not all IDs are the same.

Then we have credit card information, bank account numbers, PINs, phone numbers that can all be kept safe on the blockchain using the INF mobile app. Having a back-up is meant to protect you in case something bad happens and although we don’t think about it so much when things are dandy, it often comes a time when we wish we did. Worst case scenario: all your documents burn in a fire — sorry to make you think about that, but it’s something that can happen. That’s why we have a Fire Department and fire insurance, you know? Wouldn’t it be great to make sure that all your info is safe on the blockchain? Yea, it would, so why not store it for a measly $0.24?

Earlier I told you that you can use Infinitus to send messages when other traditional methods are unavailable and I promised an explanation. Well here it is: say you leave home on a trip around the world or any other extended trip. Before doing that, you store a message saying “I’m okay but my luggage got lost/stolen. Go online and buy me a plane ticket home”, using the shortest inactivity period available.

If your luggage really gets lost or stolen and your phone/wallet happened to be inside that luggage, you will not have any means to let your family know anything about you or to get home, but the INF smart contract will detect the inactivity on your phone and will send the message. By the way, the inactivity countdown starts if the phone runs out of battery (if it’s lost) or gets shut down (which is usually the case if it’s stolen).

Hopefully your IDs weren’t in that luggage (note to self: keep IDs on you at all times) and your family knows the country you’re in (note to self no. 2: let your family know where you are at all times). So there you have it: sending a message when traditional methods are unavailable — that’s how INF can get you out of a tight spot.

A Versatile Tool

Meant for password and private key protection, Infinitus has become more than that and will keep evolving as our story continues. You can store any text that has value to you, be it a message from/for a loved one and you can even use INF as a smart will (generational transference of crypto possessions). The blockchain cannot be unplugged, so anything you store with Infinitus will be there forever and available whenever you need it.



Infinitus Tech
Infinitus Tech

Building a Smart Designation Repository for the safeguarding of digital assets