Unexpected Closure Of The Hic Et Nunc Marketplace, The Opening Of The Embassy Of Barbados In a Metaverse And Other News From The NFT Space — November, 21

Infinity Art
Infinity Art
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2021

Sales in the Art category have decreased slightly, while the market of the Collectibles category has increased by almost 1.5 times.

As we have written earlier, daily sales on the OpenSea marketplace were at a level of about $100 million by the end of last week (November 14), according to DappRadar. This week, the indicator is just as close to that amount, as recorded between November 16th and the 17th. It should be noted that the market is in an unstable state with several sharp ups and downs recorded during the course of the week.

The growth in the Collectibles market has been driven by strong sales of the Bored Ape Yacht Club collection as of last week. Bored Ape #86 was sold on November 17th and it now occupies the sixth position among the most expensive collection sales and crowns the TOP sales in the Collectibles category over the course of the week. The work was sold for 450.01 ETH ($1,900,464.23 at that time).

  1. Bored Ape #86, source: https://opensea.io/assets/0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d/8650

Fidenza #891 in the Art category is in the TOP for the week, sold for 115 ETH ($482,660.75 at that time) on November 17th.

2. Fidenza #891, source: https://opensea.io/assets/0xa7d8d9ef8d8ce8992df33d8b8cf4aebabd5bd270/78000891

Let us move on to other interesting events in the world of NFT and start with the funniest. One of the top digital art marketplaces, Hic et nunc, suddenly shut down. There is still no official statement on the reasons for the closure in the project’s Twitter account, however, the website of the marketplace is defunct. Users have no reason to worry about their NFTs, as all transaction records are saved on the Tezos blockchain. However, users will not be able to use the marketplace further for selling and buying drops. Moving on to more pleasant news, the metaverse has again become the center of attention. The news that Barbados will be the first country in the world to have its own embassy in the metaverse went viral. The opening of such an embassy is scheduled for January of 2022, but for now, the country’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is embroiled in the final stages of legal approvals for such a venture.

