Infinity Pad: Adapting to Shifts

Adaptability, the Queen of all Values

Infinity PAD
4 min readJul 25, 2022


We have already seen how crucial flexibility is in the mainstream market and stock exchanges, and history has taught us this lesson repeatedly, with many examples to draw from. With the current state of the DeFi space, it’s time to apply those lessons and overcome this difficult period together with our users.

After some blessed times in which the digital market exploded, both in popularity and internal growth, with trend after trend coming to light and showcasing to the world the endless possibilities revealed with the advent of the Web3 revolution, the other shoe had to drop.

And just like in many other historically poignant moments, the state of the world heavily influences multiple subsidiary aspects of our lives, like gas prices, product availability, political stances and much more.

The heavily interconnected nature of our economy also means that this crisis hasn’t spared the DeFi ecosystem, leading to the misfortune of many.

And while everyone is aware of the risks that our sector harbours, it’s a whole another story when it’s not a personal failure that leads to your distress, but instead is the failure of a project you trusted, and had all the right cards to succeed after the many months of green bars showing up in the previous year or so.

We think that the DeFi space has come a long way since its inception, with many new owners and teams genuinely caring for their clients and putting the safeguard of their finances as their priority.

Still, the start of this bear market has also shown how many projects had been woefully unprepared for a big downtrend.

This lack of foresight is clear with the many unfulfilled promises, the lack of protection for new and recurring clients, and the lack of deliverance on already teased features, just to name a few of the problems routinely happening right now.

But even with all those troubles, we also see a lot of utility being brought to the light by adaptable teams like Synapse, Lido or Flow, or giants like Polygon and avalanche, and just like them, Infinity Pad was already prepared for a sudden change in the market direction.

By carefully preparing our long-term strategies to be flexible and easily adjusted, we have been able to pause or delay proposals and implementations that weren’t suited for this market, and have instead switched to a focus on building our foundations, our network, our technology and our marketing reach.

With our strict selection process, we have successfully screened and launched more than 30 projects, built a wide array of connections, and reached out to multiple partnerships with various KOLs.

Those successes would have not been possible without the underlying adaptability in our infrastructures, and we have learned a lot both by reaching our goals and by having to adjust to unexpected problems, like in the case of our multichain integrations.

We have experienced what the issues of committing to a single chain may bring to a team, and instantly decided to adapt and improve the baseline of Infinity Pad by transitioning into a cross-chain ecosystem easily accessible by all the major networks present on the market, with the objective in mind of safeguarding our community safety and simplifying the process needed for them to utilise our features.

This led to more explosive growth, and a lot of positive feedback, solidifying our core philosophy of building utility and keeping up with infrastructural updates to move in the direction our userbase needs us to.

By adopting this philosophy early on, we have managed to simply switch up our priorities, while still being able to build up our foundations regardless of what the market conditions, may be, and, being fully aware that this current drought is not going to last forever, we are ready to catch the next uptrend with all of our features primed and ready.

We have already started to widen our array of tools by introducing incubation and acceleration to Infinity Pad, coming in strong with Wakaspace and Inwarium Online being our first two success stories, heralding many, many more to come, and coupling these new integrations with our Safeguard SHO implementation, we have ensured that our users are well protected while utilizing all of those tools, or while participating in any of the many events that Ipad is going to host.

At the same time, we know that not everything can be readily shown to the public, with a lot of NDAs being key to the protection of partners and users alike, and Infinity Pad has also made a lot of progress in everything that’s going on behind the scenes.

Our network of partners keeps expanding, our marketing reach is massively improving, we are looking to breach into new ecospheres, and we can’t wait for the right moment to show everyone what’s coming up next.

We are ready to tackle this bear market, come out on top, and rise with the new waves to reach and surpass all of our targets, with the clear objective in mind of setting new standards of quality for the DeFi space.

