A Living List Of Product Management Resources You’ll Want To Bookmark

Your Growing Library of Books, Courses, Templates, Podcasts and Tools Essential for Every Product Manager

Team Infinity
Infinity Blog
4 min readOct 2, 2019


All successful product managers have one thing in common — they keep learning and absorbing new knowledge to stay up to date with the newest trends in product management.

With that in mind, we recently published a comprehensive Product Management Framework based on our own experience and practices — but also backed up by dozens of knowledge sources we’ve used over the years.

Now, we wanted to share those resources that we’ve used and that have helped us in creating our framework. We’ve sorted through some of the most popular product management resources and compiled a list of books, courses, podcasts, tools and templates that will help busy product managers stay at the top of the game.


The framework covers the whole product creation process — from strategy to execution









Quick Reads

Let’s Keep The List Growing…

We want to create a living, ever-growing list of resources that we’ll update regularly.

For that, we’ll need your help.

If you want to contribute to this list and add your favorite product management resources, check out our public spreadsheet here:


Product Management Resources Spreadsheet

We hope you find this list of resources helpful. If you did, make sure to bookmark, highlight and share it with your colleagues and friends.



Team Infinity
Infinity Blog

A bunch of indie makers passionate about building products and doing growth.